About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130622 Nagyongsan(落影山낙영산), Domyongsan(道明山도명산) & Hwayong-Gugok(華陽九曲화양구곡)

Date: June 22 (Sat), 2013 Cloudy

Destination: Nagyongsan(落影山낙영산), Domyongsan(道明山도명산)

Course: Sadamri Village – Gongrimsa Temple – Nagyongsan (681m) – Domyongsan (643m)

– (Ma-ae-bul”(Buddha images carved on a cliff) – Haksodae – Hwayang Valley Parking Lot (8 km and 4 hours)

Partner: 34 AhToSan members including Eric (Chinese)

[A map for the hiking, 山行用の地図、산행용 지도]

Today’s destination is not far from Daejeon. The hiking hour was not too long. Therefore, we left the South Gate Parking Lot at 7 am.

[A map of Songnisan National Park、俗離山国立公園案内図、속리산 국립 공원 안내도]

Eric, my Chinese friend, joined me after several months of absence. So, I was happy about it, too. The number of applicants was 35 including us.

We arrived at the starting point; Sadamri Village at 9:10 am. There was a nice temple named “Gongrimsa.” We took a group picture in front of the mountain gate of the temple.

[Eric in front of AhToSan bus, アトサンバスの前のエリック、에릭이 아토산 버스 앞에 서있다.]

[The mountain gate of the temple, 公林寺の山門、공림사의 산문]

[A group picture in front of the gate, 山門前で集合写真、산문 앞에서 단체 사진]

We had a brief sightseeing at the temple, then began hiking.

There was a huge tree of Zelkova serrata (keyaki or Japanese zelkova; Japanese: 欅 (ケヤキ) keyaki; Chinese: 榉树 ju shu; Korean: 느티나무 neutinamu) at the temple. It is a protected tree, aged 990 years old.

[Eric in front of the 990-year old tree, 樹齢990年のケヤキの前のエリック、수령 990 년 느티나무 앞 에릭]

The height was 12 meters, and the girth of over 8 meters, the gigantic tree.

It is usually difficult for me to climb up to the ridge, but I felt much easier because Eric was with me. It took me 50 minutes to come to the ridge.

[A flower of gooseneck loosestrife, オカトラノオ(丘虎の尾)、큰까치수염]

When we came to the first guidepost at the point of three trails, it was 10:06, and we had a short break as “Suzuki Time” there.

I offered a box of grapes and a box of small tomatoes there. We ate them all at once. Then there was a local old man who looked like a mountain hermit. He offered to guide us to both Nagyongsan and Domyongsan.

[A short break "Suzuki Time", 『スズキタイム』で小休止、"스즈키 타임 '에서 짧은 휴식]

[A box of grapes and a box of mini-tomatoes, ブドウとパングルトマト、포도와 방울 토마토]

[A ridge walk, 稜線歩き、능선 걷기]

We decided to follow him. From the point of the three trails, we walked along the ridge for 20 minutes, then we came to the top of Nagyongsan.

[With Eric on the top of Nagyongsan, 落影山山頂にてエリックと、낙영 산 정상에서 에릭과 함께]

After taking group pictures, we followed this mysterious “hermit” and headed for Domyongsan.

[On a ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

We came to the rocky part of the mountain. Some of us went on the rocks, but I did not follow them. I must be careful, I thought.

[On a ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[At a heliport, ヘリポートにて、헬기장에서]

After passing the first rocky place, it was at 11:30. It was a bit early to have lunch, but we did have lunch there. I ate rice-balls which I made this morning. Eric ate bread as usual. (He looked Westernized than those my old Chinese friends who made their own lunch boxes.)

[A bit early lunch, 少し早い昼食、조금 이른 점심]

We offered our food for this mysterious guide, but he did not eat much. He just patiently waited for us. When we finished our lunch, he resumed guiding us to Domyongsan.

He just ignored the formal guidepost directions, but we all believed him and followed him. (Later, we found that he was a local farmer, and purely volunteered to guide us.)

He led us to the rocky cliff. We followed him and climbed up to the cliff.

[A mysterious volunteer guide, 不思議なボランティアガイド、신기한 자원 봉사 가이드]

[We just followed him, 彼の後について岩を登った、그의 뒤를 따라 바위를 올랐다]

He encouraged us by saying “there is KTX waiting for us.” When wen came up to the cliff, we could have a better view of the mountain. We could see a series of rocks like trains (what he called KTX).

[The KTX Rocks (in the middle)、KTX列車岩、KTX 열차 바위]

There was a plate saying “Observation Deck.” He told us that it was like an observation deck to see soldiers being trained to climb the cliffs.

[George on the Observation Deck, 『観覧台』にて、"관람대"에서]

[Ruchi at the Observation Deck, 『観覧台』にて、"관람대"에서]

After the observation deck, we continued to climb the rocky part of the mountain. Then suddenly, we came to the top of Domyongsan.

[With Cheomwa near Domyongsan, 道明山山頂付近にて、"관람대 '에서 "첨와"와 함께]

There was a stone plate curved as “Domyongsan” on the top of the mountain.

[At the top of Domyongsan, 道明山山頂にて、도명산 정상에서]

We began descending the mountain via some cliffs on which the statutes of Buddha were carved (called “Ma-ae-bul.”) They were carved early period of “Goryeo” (10th century.) The mysterious guide said good-bye to us here.

[“Ma-ae-bul" or "Buddha image carved on a cliff" 磨崖佛、마애불]

[A mysterious guide at"Ma-ae-bul", 不思議なガイドと磨崖佛、 신기한 가이드와 마애불]

[Phedimus aizoon var. floribundus)キリンソウ(麒麟草/黄輪草), 기린초]

It took us for about one hour to go down to the valley. There was a nice bridge over the river.

[A nice bridge over the river, 渓谷に架かる橋、계곡 위에 다리]

[A river under the bridge, 橋の下の渓川、다리 아래의 계곡]

It was the beginning of Hwayang Guguk Valley. “Guguk” means “nine curves” so it might be nine curves of the river in the valley.

Some members went into the river and enjoyed bathing in the river. Eric and I did not enter into the river, but just watched them bathing, while having canned fruits.

[AhTo members in the river, 渓谷に入るアトサンたち、아토산 회원들이 계곡에서 물놀이하고있다.]

[With Eric at the valley, 渓谷にてエリックと、계곡에서 에릭과 함께]

We arrived at the parking lot at 2:10 pm. Those who enjoyed bathing, also came to join us one by one. We had wrap-up party at the parking lot.

[We arrived at the parking lot, 駐車場に到着した。우리는 주차장에 도착했다.]

We had water melon, and tofu and kimchi, and makgeolli. Korean kimchi is too spicy for Eric, so he ate tofu without kimchi. For me, kimchi is absolutely necessary to eat tofu. Both of us enjoyed eating watermelon though.

[Wrap-up Party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げパーティ、주차장에서 뒤풀이 파티]

We wrapped up the party at 3 pm and came back to the Expo South Gate at 5 pm.

I like this kind of “easy hiking” and I especially enjoyed being company with Eric.

It was my 29th hike for this year and my 319 regular AhToSan hike as a total.





登山コース:サダム里(사담리) – 公林寺(공림사) – 落影山(낙영산681m) –道明山(도명산643m) - 磨崖佛(마애불) -鶴巢臺(학소대) - 華陽九曲(화양구곡) 駐車場(4時間)


[A map for the hiking, 山行用の地図、산행용 지도]




[George in front of the mountain gate, 公林寺の山門の前で、공림사의 산문 앞에서]


[Inside of Gongrimsa, 公林寺境内、공림사 경내]


[In front of the 990 year-old tree, 樹齢990年の欅の木の前で、수령 990 년의 느티나무 앞에서]






[A mysterious volunteer guide, 不思議なボランティアガイド、신기한 자원 봉사 가이드]

[At a big pine tree on the ridge, 稜線の松の大木にて、능선의 소나무 대목에서]

[A short break "Suzuki Time", 『スズキタイム』で小休止、"스즈키 타임 '에서 짧은 휴식]

[On a ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[A group picture on the top of Nagyongsan, 落影山山頂にて集合写真、낙영산 정상에서 단체 사진]


[Eric on a ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[On a ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[A bit early lunch, 少し早い昼食、조금 이른 점심]




[A box of blueberries, ブルーベリー、블루 베리]



[We just followed him, 彼の後について岩を登った、그의 뒤를 따라 바위를 올랐다]


[The KTX Rocks (in the middle)、KTX列車岩、KTX 열차 바위]


[A sign of "The Observation Deck"、『観覧台』、"관람대"]

[At "The Observation Deck"、『観覧台』にて、"관람대"에서]


[At the top of Domyongsan, 道明山山頂にて、도명산 정상에서]


[Near the top of Domyongsan, 道明山頂上付近にて、도명산 정상 부근에서]


[“Ma-ae-bul" or "Buddha image carved on a cliff" 磨崖佛、마애불]

[On the way down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]


[Phedimus aizoon var. floribundus、キリンソウ(麒麟草/黄輪草), 기린초]


[A nice bridge over the river, 渓谷に架かる橋、계곡 위에 다리]


["Hwayang-Guguk" Valley、華陽九曲渓谷、화양구곡 계곡]

[A bee on a gooseneck loosestrife, オカトラノオとハチ、큰까치수염과 벌]

["Hwayang-Guguk" Valley、華陽九曲渓谷、화양구곡 계곡]

[At "Hwayang-Guguk" Valley、華陽九曲渓谷にて、화양구곡 계곡에서]


[AhTo members in the river, 渓谷に入るアトサンたち、아토산 회원들이 계곡에서 물놀이하고있다.]

駐車場に着いたのは2時10分ごろで、水浴びの連中も三々五々 合流して駐車場で打ち上げを行った。

[Wrap-up Party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げパーティ、주차장에서 뒤풀이 파티]





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