About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130609 The 2nd day of Ulleungdo(鬱陵島울릉도 and climbing Seong-in-Bong(聖人峰성인봉984m)

Date: June 9 (Sun), 2013, cloudy

Place: Seong-In-Bong(聖人峰성인봉) in Ulleungdo(鬱陵島,울릉도)

Course: Hotel → Sightseeing around Ulleugdo →Nari Basin → Seong-In-Bong → Hotel →Ulleungdo Port → Mok-ho Port → Daejeon

[Several images at Ulleungdo by Onse-miro, オンセミロによる鬱陵島の複数の映像、온세미로에 의한 울릉도의 여러 영상]

["Onse-miro was the leader of Chung-il Hiking Club and at the same time, he was in charge of the whole group,『オンセミロ』はチュンイル山岳会のリーダーで、今回の旅行の総責任者、"온세미로"는 충일 산악회의 리더로, 이번 여행의 총 책임자.]

Two of our roommates, Piano Man and Gongja came back to our room from sashimi party at midnight. But we all got up at 5 am.

[Sahimi party at midnight, 真夜中の刺身パーティ、한밤중 생선회 파티]

We had breakfast at 7 am. I always have appitite when I have breakfast at hotel. This time, too, I enjoyed delicious food and I had two bowls of rice.

[Breakfast at the hotel, ホテルの朝食、호텔의 아침 식사]

We left the hotel for sightseeing and climbing Seong-In-Bong at 7:40.

Originally we planned to climb Seong-In-Bong first. But they held Around-the-Island Marathon that day. We had to wait to go to Nari Basin after 10 am due to the traffic restriction because of the event.

So, we had sightseeing aroud the island, first. We visited a factory of Ulleungdo specialities: pumpkin cakes and pumpkin candies.

[We visited a factory of pumpkin cakes & candies, 南瓜饅頭と南瓜飴工場訪問、호박빵과 호박엿 공장 방문]

A box of pumpkin cakes containing 20 cakes cost 10,000 won, and four bags of pumpkin candies also cost 10,000 won. I bought both, and it turned out to be very good and popular among my friends.

Then we went on sightseeing along the beach. We got off here and there at night places including a red cave and beautiful beaches/seashores.

[AhTo members at the seashore, 鬱陵島海岸にて、울릉도 해안에서,]

[AhTo members at the seashore, 鬱陵島海岸にて、울릉도 해안에서,]

[AhTo members at the seashore, 鬱陵島海岸にて、울릉도 해안에서,]

[Our bus went over the pass, バスは峠を越えた。버스는 고개를 넘었다.]

[We came to the sea-shore again, 再び海岸へ、다시 해안에 왔다.]

[Alex in front of the red cave, 赤い洞窟の前で、붉은 동굴 앞에서]

[Minju & Kaduk in front of the red cave, 赤い洞窟の前で、붉은 동굴 앞에서]

[At the seashore of Ulleungdo, 鬱陵島海岸にて、울릉도 해안에서,]

[The bus goes through Crocodile Rock、ワニ岩を通るバス、버스가 악어 바위를 통과하고있다.]

Finally we went to Nari Basin at 9:45 am (15 minutes earlier than expected.)

[We came to Nari Basin, ようやくナリ盆地へ来た。드디어 나리 분지에 도착했다.]

Onse-miro, the leader of Chung-il Hiking Club, treated me several cups of makgeolli, and vegitable products on Ulleungdo. Minju, a staff member of AhToSan bought both a bottle of makgeollie and the vegetable products for our hiking and she carried them with her.

[Ulleungdo wild vegetable, 鬱陵島の山菜、울릉도 산나물]

[Onsemiro invited AhToSan members to the party, オンセミロがアトサン会員たちを招いた。온세미로가 아토산 회원들을 불렀다.]

The hiking trail from Nari Basin was very good, much better than the other way around. When I climbed Seong-In-Bong alone 5 or 6 years aog, I climbed from the other side of the mountain and it was not so good (almost no view of the peaks), but this time, I could enjoy the wonderful views with my hiking pals.

[Wild vegetable and SeongInBong, 山菜畑と聖人峰、산나물 밭과 성인봉]

[At the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

For the first 1.5 km from the entrance was almost flat in the woods.

Then we came to an old-style house with thatch roofing from where we could see peaks of mountains on Ulleungdo very well.

[In front of "Tumakjip" (a traditional Ulleungdo house before 1880s,) トゥマクチプ(1880年代以前の伝統家屋)の前で、투막집 앞에서]

[Trail to SeoungInBong, 聖人峰への登山路、성인봉로 이어지는 등산로]

Then we came to the steep stair trail. I suggested to have “Suzuki Time” there and I offered two boxes of grapes. They were two days old, a bit over-ripe, yet good enough to eat. So, we ate them all at once.

The trail was well facilitated with wooden stairs, and we could climb comfortably. We arrived at the top of the mountain at around 12:10. Then we had a short break with makgeolli and side-dishes. Then we went to the top of Seong-In-Bong.

[On the way to SeongInBong, 聖人峰へ行く途中で、성인봉으로 가는 길에서]

I clearly remembered when I climbed alone. It was much better to climb with friends. I could get nice pictures not only with my camera, but also my friends camera.

[At observatory on the top of the mountain, 頂上の展望台にて、정상 전망대에서]

[At the top of SeongInBong, 聖人峰頂上にて、성인봉 정상에서]

After taking several group pictures, we began descending the mountain.

[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[A butterfly and flowers on the way to go down, 下山路にて蝶と花、하산 길에서 나비와 꽃]

[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

Again it was fun to walk with friends. We had several breaks including at a gazebo near the end of the trail.

There was a bifurcation point near the gazebo; One trail was to go to Dodong and the other was to go to KBS Linking Station. We went down to KBS trail.

Then we came out to the paved road, then we went to the bush trail again. We came out to the place with many flowers, then we came to the hotel directly.

[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[The end of the trail, 下山路の出口、하산로 출구]

We had late lunch at the hotel, then went to the port. Most of AhToSan members bought sea-products as their gifts, then we had a leisurely walk along the sea-shore until the departure time of the boat.

[Lunch at the hotel, ホテルで昼食、호텔에서 점심 식사]

[AhTo Members bought "gifts" at the port, アト会員が港で土産物を買っている。아토산 회원들이 항구에서 기념품을 사고있다.]

[At Ulleungdo Port, 鬱陵島の港にて、울릉도 항구에서]

We went on the board of “Sunflower 2” at 4 pm. It took 4 hours from Ulleungdo to Mok-ho Port, then it took another 3 hours to go to Daejeon.

[At Ulleungdo Port, 鬱陵島の港にて、울릉도 항구에서]

[In front of the Sunflower 2, サンフラワー2号の前で、썬플라워 2 호 앞에서]

[AhTo Members are boarding, サンフラワー2号に乗船するアト会員たち、아토산 회원들이 썬플라워 2 호에 승선하고있다.]

The battery of the bus went out while parking there. So the driver had a little trouble to ope the car. He connected the battery of his bus to another bus’ battery after about 30 minutes struggle. We finally came back to Daejeon after midnight.

Anyhow I enjoyed the trip very much, and it was my 27th hike for this year and 317th AhToSan regular hike for me.







[Sahimi party at midnight, 真夜中の刺身パーティ、한밤중 생선회 파티]



[Alex and breakfast, アレックスと朝食、알렉스와 아침 식사]



[We visited a factory of pumpkin cakes & candies, 南瓜饅頭と南瓜飴工場訪問、호박빵과 호박엿 공장 방문]


[AhTo members at the seashore, 鬱陵島海岸にて、울릉도 해안에서,]

[Our bus went over the pass, バスは峠を越えた。버스는 고개를 넘었다.]

[We came to the sea-shore again, 再び海岸へ、다시 해안에 왔다.]

[George in front of the red cave, 赤い洞窟の前で、붉은 동굴 앞에서]

[At the seashore of Ulleungdo, 鬱陵島海岸にて、울릉도 해안에서,]

[The bus goes through Crocodile Rock、ワニ岩を通るバス、버스가 악어 바위를 통과하고있다.]


[We came to Nari Basin, ようやくナリ盆地へ来た。드디어 나리 분지에 도착했다.]

[Poster of Ulleungdo wild vegetable, 鬱陵島山菜のポスター、울릉도 산나물 포스터]


[Wild vegetable & makgeolli, 鬱陵島山菜とマッコリ、울릉도 산나물과 막걸리]

[Onsemiro invited AhToSan members to the party, オンセミロがアトサン会員たちを招いた。온세미로가 아토산 회원들을 불렀다.]


[Wild vegetable and SeongInBong, 山菜畑と聖人峰、산나물 밭과 성인봉]

[The guidepost at the entrance, 聖人峰登山路入口の里程標、성인봉 등산로 입구 이정표]

[At the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]



["Tumakjip" (a traditional Ulleungdo house before 1880s,) トゥマクチプ(1880年代以前の伝統家屋)、투막집]


[At a mineral spring, 湧水場にて、약수터에서]


[Boxes of grapes for "Suzuki Time" 『スズキタイム』のブドウ、"스즈키 타임"포도들]

[After "Suzuki Time" 『スズキタイム』の後で、"스즈키 타임"후에]



[On the way to SeongInBong, 聖人峰へ行く途中で、성인봉으로 가는 길에서]




[At observatory on the top of the mountain, 頂上の展望台にて、정상 전망대에서]

[At the top of SeongInBong, 聖人峰頂上にて、성인봉 정상에서]


[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[A butterfly and flowers on the way to go down, 下山路にて蝶と花、하산 길에서 나비와 꽃]

[A signal of Chung-il Club, チュンイル山岳会のシグナル、충일 산악회 표식]




[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]


[Lunch at the hotel, ホテルで昼食、호텔에서 점심 식사]




[AhTo Members bought "gifts" at the port, アト会員が港で土産物を買っている。아토산 회원들이 항구에서 기념품을 사고있다.]

[At Ulleungdo Port, 鬱陵島の港にて、울릉도 항구에서]

[The Sunflower 2, サンフラワー2号、썬플라워 2 호]

[In front of the Sunflower 2, サンフラワー2号の前で、썬플라워 2 호 앞에서]


[In front of the Sunflower 2, サンフラワー2号の前で、썬플라워 2 호 앞에서]





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