About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130705 Sydney Harbour National Park、(シドニー港国立公園) [시드니 항구 국립 공원]

Traveling Date: July 5, 2013 (Fri) Fine

Place: Sydney Harbour National Park (NSW) in Australia

Walking course: Aramanoo Lookout~Sydney Harbour National Park (Beach Walk in Dobroyd Head)~Aramanoo Lookout

Partner: Hajime (My elder son), Naomi (his 1st daughter), Noa (his son)

I walked to Lane Cove National Park before breakfast. It’s about 2 km distance from my son’s home in Greville Street, Chatswood.

[The entrance of Lane Cove National Park, レインコーブ国立公園の入り口、레인코부 국립 공원 입구]

I saw a strange bird near the entrance of the park. It looked like a yellow mask on its face. It did not fly unless I chased it for a while.

[A masked lapwing, 「ズグロトサカゲリ」、"즈구로토사카게리"]

When I uploaded the pictures of the bird, one of my Canadian friends wrote; “That's a spur-winged plover (sometimes called a masked lapwing). It can fly quite well. I guess they're used to people so don't fly away.”

[A masked lapwing, 「ズグロトサカゲリ」、"즈구로토사카게리"]

I checked with Wikipedia, then I found the latter one “masked lapwing”seemed the one I saw.


It says “ It is a large, common and conspicuous bird native to Australia, particularly the northern and eastern parts of the continent.” So, I should have seen it much earlier.

After the breakfast, my wife took the 2nd granddaughter for shopping this time.

So, my son, took me together with his first daughter, Naomi and his son, Noa, to Sydney Harbour National Park.

[At Arabanoo Lookout,アラバノールックアウトにて、아라바노 전망대에서]

[Looking down Sydney Harbour from the lookout, 展望台よりシドニー港を見下ろす、전망대에서 시드니 항구를 내려다 본다.]

I am very thankful for his consideration, because I had never been to this park before, and the walk along the beach was wonderful.

He drove to Arabanoo Lookout – Dobroyd Head, first. He parked his care there. It was a top of the hill and we could see Sydney Tower from the parking lot.

[Sydney Tower from the hill, 丘の上からシドニータワーが見えた。언덕에서 시드니 타워가 보였다.]

[Arabanoo Lookout – Dobroyd Head, アラバノー展望台-ドブロイドヘッド、아라바노 전망대 - 도브 로이드 헤드]

The Lookout was a nice place to see Sydney Harbour and the skylines of Sydney.

[The entrance of Sydney Harbour National Park, シドニー湾国立公園入口、시드니 하버 국립 공원 입구]

In spite of the fact that it was winter, there were many beautiful flowers.

[A kind of wild flower, 野生花の1種、야생화의 1 종]

We walked down to the beach in the bush. He said they came before with his family including his wife. He returned to the car after walking half an hour then.

[On our way down to the seashore, 海岸へ下りる途中で、해안에 내려가는 도중에]

[Callistemon or "bottlebrushes", ブラシノキ、도금양과]

[On our way down to the seashore, 海岸へ下りる途中で、해안에 내려가는 도중에]

[At an observation rock, 展望台岩にて、전망대 바위에서]

[We got off to the seashore, 我々は海岸へ下りた、우리는 해안에 내려왔다]

We walked more than that this time. The sky was blue and the water in the harbour was clean. I could see several univalve shells like small turban shells or river snails.

[Sydney skyline, 対岸のシドニースカイライン、대안의 시드니 스카이 라인]

We walked leisurely along the beach. There were mansions with huge tropical trees at the seashore.

[At the seashore, 海岸にて、해안에서]

We could walk to Manly Beach, but kids seemed a bit tired. We had a light snack at a small park near a pier, then we quick the beach-side walk and went back to the parking lot through paved road.

[A big guidepost, 大きな里程標、큰 이정표]

[A map of Dobroyd Head, 『ドブロイドヘッド』の地図、"도브 로이드 헤드"의지도]

[A mansion at the seashore, 海岸の豪邸、해안 대저택]

[At the seashore, 海岸にて、해안에서]

[A pier along the beach, 浜辺沿いの埠頭、해변을 따라 부두]

[At a small park, 浜辺の小さな公園にて、해변의 작은 공원에서]

[A kind of Hibiscus, ハイビスカスの花、히비스커스 꽃 ]

My son drove us to a corner of Manly Beach where there were many restaurant.

First he tried to buy sandwiches at “Subway” but there were many people making a line, so he quit there and sat at a table next to “Subway.”

[Long line of people at "Subway"、『サブウェイ』前の行列、"서브웨이"앞에 많은 사람들]

It was “Nanao’s” Flame-grilled PERI-PERI Chicken Restaurant. Peri-preri is chili or hot pepper(고추) and it was a Portuguese restaurant.

[Seagulls on the leftover food, 食べ残しに群がるカモメ、갈매기가 손님이 먹다 남긴 음식에 몰려있다.]

[My grandson got a free present from somewhere, 孫が無料の『オマケ』をもらってきた。손자가 무료 "경품"을 받아왔다.]

It claimed that the Portuguese found Peri-peri in South America and brought them to many countries in the world.

[The story of PERI-PERI, 『ペリペリ』(唐辛子)の物語、"페리 페리"(고추) 이야기]

I checked “Peri-Peri” with Wikipedia and found it as “Piripiri” which means “Very hot” in Japanese.


What an interesting fact it was. And the Portuguese missionaries brought PERI-PERI to Japan in 1542, not for food, but poison or medicine, and then the Japanese brought them to Korea in 17th century.

Korea people began to use “Goju” or a kind of PER-IPERI for their national food “Kimchi” only in 19th century. How interesting!

They said there were five different levels of "Spicy" and I ordered the hottest one "Ultra Spicy House Special" called "Paella."

[Ultra Spicy House Special "Paella", 極辛のハウススペシャル料理『パエラ』、특별히 매운 하우스 스페셜 요리 "빠에라"]

It WAS spicy but not too much. In my experience, Szechuan cuisine in China was more spicy than this "Ultra Spicy House Special. I enjoyed eating his "Paella."

After the lunch we went back to our son’s home in Chatswood.

We had another gorgeous dinner which my daughter-in-law and my wife made. We enjoyed the nice food with good wine.

[Delicous diner at home, 息子の家でゴージャスな夕食、아들의 집에서 멋진 저녁 식사]

[Watching TV after dinner, 夕食後のTV鑑賞、저녁 식사 후 TV 감상]

After the dinner, my son and his two daughters studied the Bible with their IT terminals again.

[Bible Study with IT terminals, IT端末を使ってバイブルスタディ、IT 기기를 사용하여 성경 공부]

Our grandson played with Spiderman Color in number which I bought for him in Perth.

[Our grandson enjoyed Spiderman Color in number, 孫はスパイダーマンの塗り絵、손자는 스파이더 맨 색칠놀이 를 하면서 놀았다.]







朝食前、Lane Cove国立公園へ散歩に行った。公園の「山火事注意計」はその危険が最も低いグリーン帯だった。

[Fire-Danger Rating Meter, 山火事注意計、산불주의계]

公園の入り口付近にやや大型の面白い顔をした飛ばない鳥が数羽いた。フェイスブックへアップロードしたらカナダの友人が「それはスパーウィングド・プローバー(spur-winged plover)で『マスクをしたラップウィング(masked lapwing)』とも言う。」と教えてくれた。

[A masked lapwing, 「ズグロトサカゲリ」、"즈구로토사카게리"]



[A masked lapwing, 「ズグロトサカゲリ」、"즈구로토사카게리"]

[At Arabanoo Lookout,アラバノールックアウトにて、아라바노 전망대에서]




公園入口で認証写真を撮った後、車で丘の上へ行き、Arabano Lookout – Dobroyd Headの駐車場に車を停めた。

[Looking down Sydney Harbour from the lookout, 展望台よりシドニー港を見下ろす、전망대에서 시드니 항구를 내려다 본다.]

[Arabanoo Lookout – Dobroyd Head, アラバノー展望台-ドブロイドヘッド、아라바노 전망대 - 도브 로이드 헤드]


[A kind of wild flower, 野生花の1種、야생화의 1 종]

[At an observation rock, 展望台岩にて、전망대 바위에서]

[We got off to the seashore, 我々は海岸へ下りた、우리는 해안에 내려왔다]


[Many conches, タニシのような巻き貝、우렁이와 같은 고둥]


[Sydney skyline, 対岸のシドニースカイライン、대안의 시드니 스카이 라인]

[At the seashore, 海岸にて、해안에서]

海岸沿いの道はさまざまなルートがあるようで、Manly Beachを目指して1時間以上歩くいた。


[A mansion at the seashore, 海岸の豪邸、해안 대저택]

[At the seashore, 海岸にて、해안에서]


[At a small park, 浜辺の小さな公園にて、해변의 작은 공원에서]

[A kind of Hibiscus, ハイビスカスの花、히비스커스 꽃 ]


[Restaurants at Manly Beach, マンレイビーチの食堂街、맨레이 비치의 식당가]


[The name-board of "Nanao's" 『ナナオズ』の看板、"나나오즈"의 간판]


[Seagulls on the leftover food, 食べ残しに群がるカモメ、갈매기가 손님이 먹다 남긴 음식에 몰려있다.]


[My grandson got a free present from somewhere, 孫が無料の『オマケ』をもらってきた。손자가 무료 "경품"을 받아왔다.]





[It claims Portuguese explorers discovered "PERI-PERI" in South Africa in 15th century, ポルトガルの探検家が15世紀に『ペリペリ』を発見し、世界へ伝播した、포르투갈 탐험가들이 15 세기에 "페리 페리"를 발견하고 세계에 전파했다]



[The menu of House Special, 店の特選品のメニュー、가게 특선품 메뉴]

[Ultra Spicy House Special "Paella", 極辛のハウススペシャル料理『パエラ』、특별히 매운 하우스 스페셜 요리 "빠에라"]






[Delicous diner at home, 息子の家でゴージャスな夕食、아들의 집에서 멋진 저녁 식사]

[Watching TV after dinner, 夕食後のTV鑑賞、저녁 식사 후 TV 감상]



[My wife read a book for our grandson, 妻が孫に本を読んでやっている。아내가 손자에게 책을 읽어주고있다.]


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