About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130707 Naremburn Church (NCA Church), Blue Gum Creek Track, Ozeki (Japanese Restaurant)[NCA教会、BGCT、及び日本料理店「おおぜき」NCA 교회, 부시 워킹 및 일식 "오제키"]

Traveling Date: July 7, 2013 (Sun) Fine

Place: “Blue Gum Reserve” Chatswood, a suburb on the North Shore of Sydney, (NSW), Australia

Walking Partners: None, Dinner Partner: My wife, The whole family of my first son and John and Mary (Parents of our daughter-in-law)

Since it was Sunday, the whole family of my first son went to a local church in Naremburn (NCA Church) on the lower North Shore of Sydney.


[In front of the church, 教会の入口の前で、교회 입구 앞에서]

We used to attend Sydney Japanese Evangelical Church (SJEC) in the afternoon, but that service is also a part of NCA Church activities.

[A group of musicians in front, 賛美隊のミュージシャンたち、찬양대 음악가들]

The morning service was carried in English, so my understanding of the message was vague. I feel necessity of my English study whenever I attend the service in English. (Same can be said when the service was done in Korean in Korea.)

[English message, 英語のメッセージ、영어 설교]

Anyhow, I could compare the services at NCA Church with those at the churches in USA as well as those in Korea or in Japan (I visited several churches in USA in February.)

Whatever the churches are, the center must be Jesus Christ, Our Lord and the Holy Spirit. But the service styles are different. I thought the services at NCA Church were the moderation between "very modern" and "conservative" or "traditional" services, esp. for the way to praise God.

[Singing hymns, 賛美の時間、찬양의 시간]

Our grandchildren seemed to have good companions to play with, while adults were having coffee, tea, and cakes and chatting.

[Tea Time after the service, 礼拝後のティータイム、예배 후 티타임]

I recognized only one lady from SJEC. She is from Kansai area, having a kid with intractable disease. Moreover, she experienced divorce and presently a single mother.

It must be a difficult life, but she seemed positive and I guess she got power from Jesus everyday basis.

The morning service was from 10 to 11 am. After having chatting over some coffee and cake, we went to a shopping center downtown.

[A child care center near the church, 教会のそばの託児所、교회 근처의 '어린이 집']

I asked my wife to buy some cloths (for winter) for three female friends in Korea and one for my daughter-in-law. (They are the same generation of our kids.)

[Shopping at a shopping mall, ショッピングモールで買い物、쇼핑몰에서 쇼핑]

I do not know lady’s taste, and just trust my wife’s fashion sense. As for my daughter-in-law, since she was with us, she could choose it by herself.

Then we went home had lunch.

We had a dinner appointment with John and Mary at a Japanese restaurant named Ozeki.

But we had a free afternoon. So, I went for bush-walking.

My son told me that there was a trail in the bush from the neighborhood street to Lane Cove National Park. It was 2 kilometers, so it would take half an hour.

[Yellow bush flowers, 森の中の黄色い花、숲속의 노란 꽃]

His house is on Greville ST. I usually walk along the highway with a pedestrian path. But I do not like automobile emission gas. I prefer “bush walk” to the highway.

[The information board for "Blue Gum Reserve" 「ブルーガム保護区」の案内板、"블루검 보호 구역" 안내판]

As he explained the route, it seemed not too difficult. So, I began walking the opposite direction of the highway. Then turn right to the direction of the park.

[Burned trees, 山火事の跡、산불의 흔적]

Since our son’s house is on the hill, I just went on downward in the wood. It was quite a jangle-like wood.

[A yellow flower in the bush, 森の中の黄色い花、숲속의 노란 꽃]

There were trails in the wood. I saw many big trees, and even a small stream.

[Trail in the bush, 森の中の道、숲속의 길]

There were wild flowers, even in the middle of winter. The climate in Sydney was very good and comfortable.

[Orange-color bush flowers, 森の中のオレンジ色の花、숲속의 오렌지 꽃]

Then I came to a board of explanation; Chatswood Rifle Range.

There was a rife range from 1915 – 1955. They trained solders for both World Wars.

After the wars, as the population in Chatswood has been increasing, residents began worrying about incidents. So they moved the rigle range to a different place, it says.

After this board, I came to a junction of three trails; Graville ST, “Valley View” and one more. Left was “Valley View,” but there was no sign for the right direction.

[The guidepost at Blue Gum Creek Track,分かれ道の里程標、갈림길 이정표]

I wanted to go to Lane Cove National Park, but it was not written. I took my chance to the right direction.

[Blue Gum Creek, ブルーガム川、숲속 시내물]

After 7 minutes walk, then I came to a big sign of “Lane Cove National Park.” Good grief, I was right, I thought. But I was wrong!

[The trail near the exit, 出口付近の道、출구 부근 길]

It was a part of the national park, and I was completely walked to the wrong direction.

[The guidepost of Lane Cove National Park, レインコーブ国立公園の案内板、레인코부 국립 공원 안내판]

I came out to the residential area. The street was wide and houses were beautiful with their gardens with full of plans and flowers.

[I came out to the residential area, 住宅街に出てしまった。주택가에 나와 버렸다.]

The problem was, I just lost my way. I hated to go back to the trails I had come.

[Standing by a big tree, 巨木の横に立つ、거목 옆에 서있다.]

[Narcissus and flowering quince, スイセンとボケの花、수선화와 산당화]

[Tibouchina(a family of Melastomataceae),ノボタン科の花、산석류과의 꽃]

I thought if I could go to downtown Chatswood, then I could go back to my son’s home on Graville ST. (Thanks for my son, taking me to downtown from his house two days ago.

[Streets near Chatswood downtown, チャッツウッド付近の通り、채스우드 부근의 거리]

I did come to downtown Chatswood, and I did recognize the directions to go home.

[Kookaburra Kindergarten on my way home, 『ワカイカワセミ』幼稚園、"웃는물총새"유치원]

I was much relieved when I saw the bus-stop near my son’s street. It was only one hour and half adventure of mine.

When I returned home, my son was giving one of his daughters piano lessons. I always amazed at his enthusiasm and passion to teach his children music. He learned how to play the piano all by himself.

[One of our granddaughters was practicing the piano, 孫娘のピアノ練習、손녀가 피아노를 연습하고있다.]

I entered my granddaughter’s room to see the lesson. I saw many pictures on the wall. She drew them all. I thought she would have talents to draw pictures, too.

[The wall of her room, 孫娘の部屋の壁、손녀의 방벽]

Well, we had an appointment with John and Mary; parents of our daughter-in-law, at a Japanese sushi restaurant in Chatswood.

Ozeki (Name of the restaurant)

When we arrived at the restaurant, they took us to the corner of “Shabushabu Train.”

“Kaiten-zushi回転寿司” or sushi-go-round restaurants are quite popular in Japan. But this “Hot Pot Train” was quite an unique idea.

[A corner for sushi-go-round, 回転寿司コーナー、회전 초밥 코너]

My son said the owner of the restaurant is a Korean Christian. There was a cross on the wall.

Well, “Hot Pan Train” looked interesting, but not our taste. We rather enjoyed traditional “sushi-go-round” style.

[A table at Hot Pot Train corner, 『しゃぶしゃぶ』コーナーの席、"샤브샤브"코너의 자리]

[Foods on Hot Pot Train, 『しゃぶしゃぶ』の材料、"샤브샤브"자료]

So we went back to “sushi-go-round” corner and took seats.

[At sushi-go-round corner, 回転寿司コーナーにて、회전 초밥 코너에서]

[Catch of the Day; Hapouka, 今日のおすすめ『ミナミオオスズキ』、오늘의 추천 "미나미 오오 스즈키(투어바리과)"]

[At sushi-go-round corner, 回転寿司コーナーにて、회전 초밥 코너에서]

When we all got nice seats, then John and Mary arrived at the restaurant.

[Catch of the Day; Grey Morwong, 今日のおすすめ『カワノハダイ』、오늘의 추천 "카와노하다이"(도미과)"]

We enjoyed different kinds of sushi, esp. those we could never thought of, such as “beef sushi” or California maki.

[Beef sushi, ビーフ寿司、쇠고기 초밥]

Our grandchildren also enjoyed their choices. I guess all of us ate at least 10 dishes each for dinner.

This was our 7th night in Australia this year.



散歩コース:Greville ST~Blue Gum Creek Track~Chatsood Downtown~Greville


旅行第七日目は日曜日なので家族そろって教会へ行った(Naremburn Cammeray Anglican Church、NCACの1つでNaremburn教会)。

[In front of the church, 教会の入口の前で、교회 입구 앞에서]

これまで毎年行っていたシドニー日本語福音教会の礼拝ではなく英語の礼拝に参加した。(以前は午前中は英語の礼拝に出席し、午後、別の場所の日本語の礼拝に参加していた。どちらも同じNCACの礼拝だということがようやく分かった。) NCAC:


[In the lobby of the church, 教会のロビーで、교회 로비에서]


[A group of musicians in front, 賛美隊のミュージシャンたち、찬양대 음악가들]


[Tea Time after the service, 礼拝後のティータイム、예배 후 티타임]




[A missionary working in Japan,日本へ派遣されている宣教師のポスター、일본에 파견 된 선교사의 포스터]


[A child care center near the church, 教会のそばの託児所、교회 근처의 '어린이 집']


[Shopping at a shopping mall, ショッピングモールで買い物、쇼핑몰에서 쇼핑]


午後は、長男の家があるグラヴィル通り(Graville ST)から、前日、長男一家と一緒に行ったレインコーブ国立公園へ、ブッシュウォークで直接到達するルートがあると言うので、そのルートを息子に聞いて行ってみることにした。


[Camellia-like flower,ツバキのような花、 동백 같은 꽃]

[Trail in the bush, 森の中の道、숲속의 길]

うっそうとしたジャングルの中で、Chatswood Rifle Rangeの説明板をみたのは出発して30分ほど歩いてからだ。

[The information board for "Chatswood Rifle Range" 「チャッツウッド射撃場」の案内板、"채스우드 사격장"의 안내판]


住民が増えるにつれ、事故が心配され、移転したとある。「Bullets in the bush」とは、弾丸が森の中から発見されるかもしれないということだろうか。

この説明板の先が分かれ道になっていて、里程標があるが、Greville STとあるのは息子の家の方向で、左はValley View 400mとあり、右は何も書いていない。またこの道は「Blue Gum Creek Track」とある。たしかに小川があった。

しかし私が行きたいのはLane Cove National Parkであり、Valley Viewではないで右へ行くべきか左へ行くべきか迷ったが、ままよと右折してみた。

[I saw a house, 人家が見えた、인가가 보였다]

[Orange-color bush flowers, 森の中のオレンジ色の花、숲속의 오렌지 꽃]

するとちょっとした小川があり、さらに進むとLane Cove National Parkの標識があった。よし、これでよかったと思いつつゆるやかな坂を上がると、人家が出てきた。

[The trail near the exit, 出口付近の道、출구 부근 길]


[I came out to the residential area, 住宅街に出てしまった。주택가에 나와 버렸다.]


[A deciduous tree, 落葉樹の大木、낙엽 나무의 대목]


[Flowering quince,ボケの花、산당화(山棠花)]



[Streets near Chatswood downtown, チャッツウッド付近の通り、채스우드 부근의 거리]

[Tibouchina(a family of Melastomataceae),ノボタン科の花、산석류과의 꽃]


[The neighborhood bus-stop、近所のバス停、동네 버스 정류장]



[Piano lesson for my granddaughter, 孫娘のピアノ練習風景、손녀가 피아노를 연습하는 모습]



[Japanese sushi restaurant "Ozeki" 寿司料理店『おおぜき』、회전 초밥 요리점 "오제키"]


[Hot Pot Train Corner, 回転『しゃぶしゃぶ』コーナー、회전 '샤브샤브'코너]


[A table at Hot Pot Train corner, 『しゃぶしゃぶ』コーナーの席、"샤브샤브"코너의 자리]


[Foods on Hot Pot Train, 『しゃぶしゃぶ』の材料、"샤브샤브"자료]


[Sushi on the belt, 回転寿司の1つ、회전 초밥 하나]


[Catch of the Day; Snapper, 今日のおすすめ『フエダイ』、오늘의 추천 "금색돔"]


[California maki, カルフォルニア巻き、캘리포니아 스시 롤]


[At sushi-go-round corner, 回転寿司コーナーにて、회전 초밥 코너에서]


[Food for kids, 子供用の食べ物、아이를위한 음식]


[Sushi on the belt, 回転寿司の1つ、회전 초밥 하나]






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