About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130706 Great North Walk, Lane Cove National Pak, NSW、[レインコーブ国立公園の「グレイトノースウォーク」、레인코부 국립 공원 “그레이트 노스 워크 "]

Traveling Date: July 6, 2013 (Sat) Fine

Place: Great North Walk in Lane Cove National Park (NSW), Australia

Walking Partners: The whole family of my first son and my wife.

I walked alone in the morning, but not too far, just around my son’s home in Chatswood. I saw Australian magpies on roofs of the houses in the neighborhood.

[Australian magpies, オーストラリアのカチガラス、호주 까치들]

We had curry and rice for lunch that day. Curry and rice is one of my favorite food. My daughter-in-law seemed to use Japanese curry roux.

[Curry and rice, カレーライス、카레라이스]

After the lunch, our grandson made a block work, and showed his work to me proudly.

[Grandson showing his work, 孫が作品を見せている。손자가 작품을 보여주고있다.]

After having lunch, my son proposed to walk all together in Lane Cove National Park.

We all went by car. Soon after parking the car, we saw a wild turkey walking around in the park. It did not afraid of people. So, I took several pictures of it.

[A wild turkey, 野生のシチメンチョウ、야생 칠면조]

My son lead us to “Great North Walk” in the park. The entrance for this “Walk” was close to Park Visitor’s Center near the entrance. I had never walked this course before.

[The guidepost showing "Great North Walk"、大きな里程標、커다란 이정표]

First, I was afraid of my wife’s legs condition because she was not used to walk in Japan. So, it should not be too long.

[A guidepost showing "Blue hole",『ブルーホール』を示す標識、"블루 홀"을 나타내는 이정표]

It seemed all right at least for the first 30 minutes or so. We climbed a small hill, then it was completely “bush” in a tropical wood.

[White flowers in the bush, 森の中の白い花、숲속의 흰 꽃]

[Yellow flowers in the bush, 森の中の黄色い花、숲속의 노란 꽃]

I saw several beautiful bush flowers, some were the same flowers I saw on the previous day.

When we came to a big burned tree, I suggested to take group pictures.

[A group picture in the wood, 森の中で集合写真、숲에서 단체 사진]

I did not carry tripod with me, but I put my camera on the rock. So, it was not a very good condition.

[Grandkids in the bush, 森の中の孫たち、숲속의 손자들]

[Pink flowers in the bush, 森の中のピンクの花、숲속의 분홍색 꽃]

After taking the pictures, my wife seemed to quit the further walk. So we went up to the direction where the houses were.

We found a small park with a swig. My son went back to the car and drove it to the place where we were waiting.

[Kids playing a swing, 子供たちがブランコで遊んでいる。아이들이 그네에서 놀고있다.]

He picked us all and went back to his house in Chatswood.

In the evening we all went out for dinner with the parents of our daughter-in-law: John and Mary. They are originally from Shanghai, China.

[We went to a Chinese restaurant, 中華料理店へ、중국 요리점으로]

They always treat us at a Chinese restaurant in the suburb of Sydney.

We always enjoy having wonderful Chinese dishes. They also brought Shaoxing rice wine[紹興酒]. They do not drink alcohol, so, only Kikko and I enjoyed this wine.

[They brought a bottle of Shaoxing rice wine, 紹興酒、소흥주]

[Cheers to our health, 我々の健康に乾杯!、우리의 건강을 위해서 건배!]

[At the Chinese restaurant, 中華料理店にて、중국 요리점에서]

[At the Chinese restaurant, 中華料理店にて、중국 요리점에서]

The food was always more than enough. Good thing is that they offer “doggie bag” for leftovers.

[Putting leftovers into a doggie bag, 残り物をドギーバッグに詰める。남은 음식을 백에 포장하고있다.]

We had some group pictures in front of the restaurant and went home with heavy bodies.

[A group picture in front of the restaurant, 食堂前で集合写真、식당 앞에서 단체 사진]








[Australian magpie, オーストラリアのカチガラス、호주 까치]


[Fruits for dessert, デザートの果物、디저트 과일]

[Grandson showing his work, 孫が作品を見せている。손자가 작품을 보여주고있다.]

午後、息子の提案で彼の家族全員と我々でLane Cove 国立公園内を散歩することにした。


[A wild turkey, 野生のシチメンチョウ、야생 칠면조]

ひとしきりワイルドターキーの写真を撮った後、これまで歩いたことのないGreat North Walkに全員で挑戦することにした。

[We began "bush-walk", 『ブッシュウォーク』開始、"부시 워크" 시작]


[Leisurely walk in the wood, 森の中の散歩、숲속의 산책]


[A group picture in the wood, 森の中で集合写真、숲에서 단체 사진]

[White flowers in the bush, 森の中の白い花、숲속의 흰 꽃]


[Grandkids in the bush, 森の中の孫たち、숲속의 손자들]

[Pink flowers in the bush, 森の中のピンクの花、숲속의 분홍색 꽃]



[Kids playing a swing, 子供たちがブランコで遊んでいる。아이들이 그네에서 놀고있다.]



[With John and Mary, ジョンとメアリーと、존과 메리와 함께]


[At the Chinese restaurant, 中華料理店にて、중국 요리점에서]

[Oysters and coriander, カキと香菜、굴과 고수]

[At the Chinese restaurant, 中華料理店にて、중국 요리점에서]




[A group picture in front of the restaurant, 食堂前で集合写真、식당 앞에서 단체 사진]

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