About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130629 Mount Ōyama(大山오오 야마), Kanagawa Prefecture(神奈川県가나가와 현)

Hiking Date: June 29 (Sat) 2013, Cloudy

Destination (mountain): Mount Ōyama(大山오오 야마), Kanagawa Prefecture(神奈川県가나가와 현)

Hiking course: Isehara → Ōyama Cable-car Station (Bus-stop) – Onnazaka – Ōyama Temple – Afuri Shrine (Shimosha) – Top of Ōyama – Miharashi – Hinata Shrine – Hinata-yakushi Bus Stop→ Isehara

Partner: None

Since I live in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, Mt. Ōyama is the best mountain for me as a warming-up hike when I came back to Japan in the past 10 years.

It takes less than 2 hours from my house to the entrance of the trail for Mt. Ōyama. I took a 7 am Tokaido train to Fujisawa, just next stop of JR Tokaido Line.

I changed trains at Fujisawa to Odakyu Line toward Shinjuku. Then I changed trains again at Sagamiono. I arrived at Isehara Station at 8 am.

[Isehara Station at 8:01, 伊勢原駅到着、이세하라 역 도착]

There are frequent bus services from Isehara to Ōyama Cable-car Stain. It took only 20 minutes and I began hiking at 8:30 am.

[In front of Isehara Bus Stop, 伊勢原駅前にて、이세하라 역 앞에서]

The name of the bus terminal is Ōyama Cable-car Stain, but you have to walk for about 20 minutes from the bus stop to the Ōyama Cable-car Stain.

[At the foot of the mountain, 登山口入口、등산로 입구]

The street from bus stop to Cable-car Station is flagstone path. There are small restaurants and gift shops on the both sides, just like Korean counterparts. The big difference is that they were not so enthusiastic then Korean counterparts.

[The flagstone path, ケーブルカー駅へ続く敷石の道、케이블카 역으로 이어지는 길]

[A flower of hydrangea, アジサイの花、수국]

{"Nadeshiko" or "Dianthus" ナデシコの花、패랭이꽃]

[A small shrine along the path, 通りに沿った小さな神社、도로 옆에 작은 신사]

There are pictures of tops on the flagstone path. Each top represents 5 steps of the stairs. Tops made in this area are the famous for their beauty and quality.

["Let's count tops" Board,「独楽を数えよう」、"팽이를 세자."]

[A picture of "Ōyama Top", 『大山独楽』の絵、"오오 팽이"의 그림]

There is a two story building near the entrance of the trail. It says “Oriental Fitness School”in English. It says “Let’s cure chronic diseases by yourself”in Japanese. I just wondered if they practice “fasting” for the way to cure these diseases.

[“Oriental Fitness School”、「健康道場」、"건강 도장"]

["Chronic disease can be cured." 「慢性病が直ります」、"만성 질병이 낫습니다.]

At the end of the flagstone path, it was the entrance of the real trails. Sightseers can use cable-cars to go to Afurijinja Shimosha. Hikers may walk either “Otokozaka” (Trails for men) or “Onnazaka” (Trails for women).

[The fork in the trails, 「男坂」と「女坂」の分岐点、"오토코자카 '와'언나자카"의 분기점>

As it is indicated by name, “Otokozaka” trails are steep, lots of stone stairs, while “Onnazaka” trails are gentle slopes. I walked both trails before and this time, I took “Onnazaka” trails.

As for “Onnazaka” trails, there are many interesting things such as "jizo" statutes and“seven wonders.”

“Jizo” statues are commonly seen along the roads or in mountains in Japan. "Jizo" in English is Ksitigarbha and its religious meaning is written in Wikipedia as below.

[A stone statute of "Jizo", 地蔵菩薩の石像、지장 보살 석상]

"Jizo" is regarded as a guardian deity for kids who died in early ages or travelers who died while traveling. Therefore there was a memorial stone for those who died, leaving no one to attend to their graves.

[A memorial stone for those who died, leaving no one to attend their graves, 無縁仏供養碑、무연불(연고자가 없는 사자) 공양 비 ]

["Jizo" statutes with aprons, エプロンをかけた地蔵菩薩、앞치마를 입은 지장 보살]

[George in front of "Child-raising Jizo", 「子育て地蔵」の前で、"육아 지장 보살 '앞에서]

I arrived at Ōyama Temple at 9:19. There are some interesting things at this temple. One of them is “Throwing Kawara (tile)” Place.

[At a stairs in front of Ōyama Temple, 大山寺の前の階段にて、"오오야마데라" 앞 계단에서]

[Ōyama Temple, 大山寺、"오오야마데라"]

As I see many temples and shrines in Japan, one of the biggest concerns for people is “evil spirits.” Therefore, it is important for Japanese people to have ceremonies to drive away “evil spirits” or “exorcize evil spirits.”

["Throwing unglazed earthenware for exorcizing evil spirits"、「厄除かわらけ投げ」、"액막이 질그릇 던지기"]

If you pay 300 yen for one “kawarake”or “a piece of unglazed earthenware”you can break it or you can throw it to the valley from a certain place at the temple.

It is about 30 minutes climb to the Afuri Shrine Shimosha from the temple. There was an old slab with a haiku by "Matsuo Basho." It goes " Yama-samushi Kokorono-sokoya-Mizuno-tsuki (山寒し心の底や水の月) or "Mountain is cold, so is my mind, the Moon on the surface of water."

[An old slab with a haiku by "Basho" cut on it, 松尾芭蕉の句碑、마츠오 바쇼의 시비]

Last time I saw deer near the shrine. So, I went to the same place near the cable-car station, surely I found a family of deer there.

[A male deer, 牡鹿、숫사슴]

There seemed a male deer and a doe and their kid fawn in the fence.

[A fawn, 子鹿、새끼 사슴]

I arrived at Afurijinza Shimosha Shrine at 9:50 am.

[Afurijinja Shimosha Shrine, 阿夫利神社下社、아후리 신사 시모샤]

There was a big ring made of "Kaya(茅)" plants. "Kaya(茅)" is vegetation such as straw, water reed, sedge (Cladium mariscus), rushes, or heather. These plants are common in the field in Japan, so people used to make "thatched roof" for traditional Japanese houses. The shrine claims that if people go through this ring of "Kaya" in summer, they can get rid of "evil spirits" and obtain longevity. However it is free to go through this ring.

[The ring of "Kaya" for exorcism, 夏越の祓い用『茅の輪 』、"여름 통과" 불제" 위한 "띳수레"]

It was not a clear day, but I could see a part of Sagami Plain and the Pacific Ocean.

[At Afuri Shrine Shimosha, 阿夫利神社下社にて、아후리 신사 시모샤에서]

I noticed a small “mountain” of sculptures. It was a new ex-voto from a family and named “the mountain of lions.” These sculptures were lions and the “mountain”was surrounded by 12 animals of Chinese zodiac.

["The Mountain of Lions", 大山獅子の山、"오오 야마 사자의 산"]

It was completed in January 2013, this year! It is quite a new thing.

[The explanation of "Ōyama Lions" ,『大山獅子』の由来、"오오 야마 사자"의 유래]

There are several other interesting things at this shrine, such as Statute of Tengu, Tenmangu Shrine, the statute of a boy and a girl during World War Ⅱ evacuation, etc.

[Tenman Shrine and statutes of "Evacuation" 天満宮と「疎開の像」、텐만구와 "피난 동상"]

I noticed that there were a huge iron tanks and barrels obviously for Edo period fire fighters at the side of shrine building. There are many ex-voto stones by old and new fire-fighters.

[Iron barrels for fire-fighters in Edo Era, 江戸時代の防火用水桶、에도 시대의 방화 용수 통]

Mount Ōyama has been a religious mountain from old days. It was called “Afurizan阿夫利山/雨降山”and people prayed for the gods of the mountain for rains, esp. during dry weather.

Fire-fighters also need water to fight against fire. So that’s why many fire-fighters came to pray at Afurijinja Shrines.

Several years ago, when I was climbing this mountain, I saw a group of young men on a week day. I asked them their professions. They answered they were fire-fighters. Climbing Mount Ōyama was a part of training for young fire-fighters.

There is a formal entrance of the trail which leads to the top of the mountain. It is a wooden gate and then there is a really steep stone stairs you have to climb.

[The gate for the trail, 登山路入口の門、등산로 입구의 문]

[A steep stone stairs, 勾配の急な石階段、경사가 가파른 돌계단]

There is a stone monument of haiku by Takizawa Iyoji, “Hosakuo Tatae Ōyama Aogikeri.”(I looked up with the mind of praising Ōyama for bountiful harvest.”

[The slab with a haiku by "Takizawa Iyoji" cut on it, 伊代次の句碑、이여지의 시비]

["Hosakuo Tatae Ōyama Aogikeri.”「豊作をたたえ大山あおぎけり」"풍년을 기리고 오오 야마 바라 본다."]

There is another “jijo” statute near the monument. Then there are huge twin “sugi” or Japanese cedars. They are called “Meoto-Sugi” or “cedars of a couple.”The trees are estimated to be 500 or 600 years old.

["Meoto-Sugi" aged 500-600 years, 樹齢500年以上の『夫婦杉』、수령 500 년 이상의 '부부 삼나무 " ]

Since it was Saturday, there were many hikers. I am not good at uphill trails. So many of them walked past to me.

When I arrived one of a few view points, “Fujimizaka” or “A slope to view Mt. Fuji” it was around 11 am. Since it was cloudy, I could not see Mt. Fuji.

[The explanation of Fujimizaka, 「富士見坂」の説明、"후지미 자카" 설명]

["Urashimaso" ウラシマソウ(浦島草)、『우라시마초』]

There is another viewing spot near the top of the mountain. They say “You can see Mt. Fuji if you look back here.” Unfortunately I could not see Mt. Fuji at all.

["Turn back & You see Mt. Fuji" 「ふりむけば富士」地点、"돌아 보면 후지"지점]

I arrived at the top of the mountain. There were many hikers, but I found a vacant table and I ate my lunch there.

[At the top of Mount Ōyama、大山頂上付近、오오 야마 정상 부근]

Thanks to Kikko, she gave me a box of foods for beer. I could enjoy drinking beer with foods.

[Many hikers on the top, 頂上には多くのハイカーたち、정상에는 많은 등산객들이 있었다.]

After the lunch, I began descending the mountain at noon.

[The guidepost for the descending trail, 下山路を示す里程標、하산 길을 표시하는 이정표]

[I began descending, 下山開始、하산 시작]

I am good at downhill trails. So this time, I passed over many other hikers.

[On the way to go downhill, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

I arrived at Miharashi at 13:53. It was the place I came from the other side and went to Shimosha list time in January.

[Arriving at Miharashi, 見晴しに到着、미하라시에 도착했다.]

[Flowers I saw on the downhill, 下山路で見た花、하산 길에서 본 꽃]

There is a fork in the trails after Miharashi. I usually go straight, but this time, I turned to left at the fork point.

Then it was completely different trail. I came to “Tsuzurazaka” for the first time, but it turned out to join the same trail after a public building called “Hinata Fureai Study Center.”

[The guidepost of "Tsuzurazaka", 「つづら坂」の標識、"철자 언덕"의 표지]

[Flowers I saw on the downhill, 下山路で見た花、하산 길에서 본 꽃]

[On the way to go downhill, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[On the way to go downhill, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

It was along the river, and some people were catching trouts in the river. (When I was 20 years old, I joined a recreation activities of this kind by the company I used to work. It reminded me of good old memories.)

[On the way to go downhill, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[Flowers I saw on the downhill, 下山路で見た花、하산 길에서 본 꽃]

[Campanula punctata (spotted bellflower)、ホタルブクロ(蛍袋)、초롱꽃]

[Flowers I saw on the downhill, 下山路で見た花、하산 길에서 본 꽃]

I arrived at the bus-stop of “Hinata-yakushi”at 2 pm.

There is a shrine called “Hinata Shrine.” When I came there last time (January of this year) the shrine was under repairmen construction. This time it was completed.

[The renewed "Hinata" Shrine, 「日向神社」"히나타 신사"]

There was a big board explaining the repairmen and the change of the names. It used to be called “Shirahige” Shrine. But it was changed to “Hinata” Shrine in 1933.

[The explanation of Hinata Shrine, 日向神社の説明、히나타 신사의 설명]

It’s a quite long time ago, even before I was born. But it reminded me of the dark age of “military dictator ship”and forced national religion.

Anyway, I did not know until I read this explanation that this shrine was build to praise “Komano-jakko 高麗若光고마노 쟛코 or 약광” an ancient nobleman originally from Korean peninsula.

“Hinata-yakushi” also has the history of national suppression during the early Meiji period (1890s.)


I thank God that I was born in the era without war environment.

I took a 2 pm bus to Isehara, and I came home at 4 pm. It was my 30th hike for this year, just half of my target (60 times a year).





登山コース::伊勢原駅→大山ケーブル駅~女坂~大山寺~阿夫利神社下社~大山山頂~見晴らし~日向神社~日向薬師バス停→伊勢原駅 (約12 km, 6時間)





[In front of Isehara Bus Stop, 伊勢原駅前にて、이세하라 역 앞에서]


[At the foot of the mountain, 登山口入口、등산로 입구]



["Inari" shrine along the street, 稲荷神社もある、"이나리" 신사도 있다]


[Advertisement for "Ōyama Top", 大山独楽の広告、오오야마 팽이의 광고]

[A picture of "Ōyama Top", 『大山独楽』の絵、"오오 팽이"의 그림]


[A flower of hydrangea, アジサイの花、수국]

{"Nadeshiko" or "Dianthus" ナデシコの花、패랭이꽃]


[A picture map of Ōyama、ケーブル駅近くの地図、 케이블카 역 인근의 지도]



[The fork in the trails, 「男坂」と「女坂」の分岐点、"오토코자카 '와'언나자카"의 분기점>


["Onnazaka" is a gentle slope、らくらく行ける『女坂』、편안하게 갈 수있는 "언나자카"]


[A stone statute of "Jizo", 地蔵菩薩の石像、지장 보살 석상]

[A haiku by an elementary school student, 小学生の俳句、초등학생의 하이쿠]
["Hydrangea, in bloom beautifully. In Oyama"「あじさいがきれいに咲いてる大山に」"수국이 예쁘게 피어있어. 오오에"]


[A small stream along the trail, 登山路に沿った小川、등산로으로 따른 시내물]


["Child-raising Jizo", 「子育て地蔵」、"육아 지장 보살"]

[The explanation for the 2nd wonder, 「第二の不思議」の説明、'제 2 불가사의 "의 설명]


[The stairs in front of Ōyama Temple, 大山寺の前の階段、"오오야마데라" 앞 계단]


[The place to throw "Kawarake", 「かわらけ」を投げる場所、"질그릇"을 던지는 장소.]



[A family of deer、鹿の家族、사슴 가족]

[A fawn, 子鹿、새끼 사슴]


[Stone stairs of Afuri Shrine Shimosha, 阿夫利神社下社の階段、아후리 신사 시오샤의 계단]

[At Afuri Shrine Shimosha, 阿夫利神社下社にて、아후리 신사 시모샤에서]




[The ring of "Kaya" for exorcism, 夏越の祓い用『茅の輪 』、"여름 통과" 불제" 위한 "띳수레"]


["The Mountain of Lions", 大山獅子の山、"오오 야마 사자의 산"]

[The dedicators of this ex-voto, 奉納者の名簿、봉헌 명단]
br />

[The statute of "Gonda Naosuke" 「権田直助翁」の像、"곤다 나오수케"의 동상]

[Tenmangu Shrine, 天満宮、텐 만구]


[The gate for the trail, 登山路入口の門、등산로 입구의 문]


["Tamagaki" Memorial by Tokyo Fire Fighters, 玉垣記念東京消防第三区、타마가키 기념 도쿄 소방 셋째 구]




[A stone statute of "Jijo" 地蔵菩薩の石像、지장 보살 석상]

["Meoto-Sugi" aged 500-600 years, 樹齢500年以上の『夫婦杉』、수령 500 년 이상의 '부부 삼나무 " ]


[Rosa multiflora, ノイバラ、찔레꽃]



[The lodge on the top of the mountain, 頂上付近の山荘、정상 부근의 산장]


[Lunch at the table, 大山頂上で昼食、오오 야마 정상에서 점심 식사]

[Around the top of the mountain, 大山頂上付近、오오 야마 정상 부근]


[On the way to go downhill, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]


[Arriving at Miharashi, 見晴しに到着、미하라시에 도착했다.]


[The guidepost of "Tsuzurazaka", 「つづら坂」の標識、"철자 언덕"의 표지]

[Flowers I saw on the downhill, 下山路で見た花、하산 길에서 본 꽃]

[The guide map of "Fureaino Mori" 「ふれあいの森」案内図、"만남의 숲"안내도]


["Hinata Fureai Study Center"、「日向ふれあい学習センター」、"히나타 만남 학습 센터"]

[Flowers I saw on the downhill, 下山路で見た花、하산 길에서 본 꽃]


[Flowers I saw on the downhill, 下山路で見た花、하산 길에서 본 꽃]

[Chinese bellflower、キキョウ(桔梗)、도라지]




[The torii of Hinata Shrine, 日向神社の鳥居(「白髯神社」となっている)、히나타 신사의 도리이]


[The explanation of Hinata Shrine, 日向神社の説明、히나타 신사의 설명]






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