About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130702 Mammoth Cave & Whale Watching in, Margaret River, Western Australia(WA)、西オーストラリア州マーガレットリバーのマンモスケーブとクジラウォッチング) [서호주 마가렛 리버맘모스 동굴과 고래 관찰]

Traveling Date: July 2, 2013 (Mon) Fine, then Rain Hard

Destination: Mammoth Cave & Geographe Bay, Margaret River, Western Australia(WA)

Traveling course: Taunton Farm → Mammoth Cave → Whale Watching (Geographe Bay)→Margaret River → Taunton Farm

Partner: Kikko and Tracey

The main sightseeing activities for the 2nd day in Western Australia are 1) Mammoth Cave and 2) Whale Watching.

I found that “Mammoth Cave” in USA is really Big Cave, and the longest cave in the world.

It is in Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky, USA.

The length of the cave is over 590 km. Wow!

But there IS “Mammoth Cave” in Margaret River, Western Australia. However the length of the cave is 500 m.


There are some other caves like Lave Cave and Jewel Cave in this area, though. We visited only “Mammoth Cave” this time.

I got up at 6:30 am and went for morning walk before the breakfast.

[The sunrise at the farm, 農場の日の出、농장의 해돋이]

First, I went to the main road, but soon realized that it was not a good idea. There were already many cars on the road and there was no pedestrian section on the road.

[At the farm, 農場にて、농장에서]

So I went back to the farm, and walked around the cabin. I could see cattles and horses in a distance. I saw beautiful sunrise at around 7:30 am.

[At the farm, 農場にて、농장에서]

When I returned to the cabin, I saw a couple of duck walking on the terrace. My wife said they knocked on the window, and asking for food. According to the cabin rule, we are not supposed to feed them on the terrace, but on the grasses, OK.

[Two ducks on the terrace, 二羽のカモがテラスに来た。오리 두 마리가 테라스에 왔다.]

We did not feed them, but they left their droppings on the terrace. We had to wash them away. After the ducks gone, a beautiful bird flew in.

[A beautiful bird flew in, 綺麗な鳥が飛んで来た。아름다운 새가 날아왔다.]

We had breakfast before 8 am. Tracey cooked toast sandwiches with the frying pan. They tasted very good.

[Tracey made breakfast, トレイシーが朝食を作った。트레이시가 아침 식사를 만들었다.]

We left the key to the office and headed for the cave first at 8:40 am. On the way, Tracey stopped the car at gas station, filled the gas and air as well.

[We stopped at a gas station, ガソリンスタンドへ寄った。주유소에 들렀다.]

We arrived at Mammoth Cave at around 9:30. There were several huge trees in front of the cave.

[Next to a huge tree, 巨木の横で、거목 옆에서]

The fare for the cave was 22 Australian dollars per person including audio-set for explanation.

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

This cave reminded me of “Hwanseongul” in Korea, big, but not deep at all.

[Look for the jawbones, 「サメの骨を探そう」、"상어 뼈를 찾고자"]

[Exhibition of fossils, 化石の展示品、화석 전시품]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

There were some student sightseers beside us, so some part was a bit crowded, and the tour ended withing one hour.

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

The exit is the opposite side of the entrance, so we had to walk in the woods to go back to the parking lot.

[The exit of the cave, 洞窟の出口、동굴의 출구]

[At the exit of the cave, 洞窟の出口にて、동굴의 출구에서]

[Around the exit of the cave, 洞窟の出口付近、동굴의 출구 부근]

There were two courses, one is short, about 200 m, the other was a bit longer, about 7 m. Kikko took the short course, while Tracey and I took the longer course. I like the woods and the bush along the course.

[A map of the cave,洞窟の地図、동굴 지도]

[The explanation of "Solution Pipe" 『溶解パイプ』の説明、"용해 파이프"의 설명]

[Mushrooms in the woods, 森のキノコ、숲의 버섯]

[A huge tree in the woods, 森の巨木、숲의 거목]

[Mushrooms in the woods, 森のキノコ、숲의 버섯]

We left the cave at 10:45 and headed for the sea. It took about 2 hours and we arrived at the beach at 12:45.

We had lunch at the table along the beach and waited for the tour. There was no office. Application was done by phone.

[We bought lunch at a bakery, パン屋でパンを買った。빵집에서 빵을 샀다.]

[We had lunch at a table, 海岸で昼食、해변에서 점심 식사]

A man in charge of the tour came to the beach at around 1:30. We had to take a small boat to go to the main boat.

[At the beach, 海岸にて、해안에서]

The bay is too shallow near the beach. So Whale Watching Boat was in the distance from the beach. There were about 30 sightseers on the boat.

[Landing pier for a small boat,ボートのための桟橋、배를위한 부두]

[Heading for the whale watching boat, クジラ観察船に向かう、고래 관찰 배으로 향했다.]

[Tracey on the boat,クジラウォッチング船にて、고래 관찰 배에서]

The captain explained the tour and how to use life jackets and plastic bag (in case of sea-sick.) Then we went to see whales swimming in the bay.

[A sign of a whale?クジラか?고래 있습니까?]

It was difficult to take good pictures of whale because they are so quick to dive. When the captain saw a sign of whales, he shouted “10 o’clock!” or “2 o’clock” which mean the direction of the whales.

[Another whale watching boat, 別のクジラ観察船、다른 고래 관찰 배]

There were two other whale watching boats beside us. Between one boat and ours, there were several whales swimming together.

[The best seat for watching, クジラ観察特等席、고래 관찰 특등석]

We spent a couple of hours on the sea. Then it became dark in the sky. I could see some rainbows under the cloud. Then it began to rain hard.

[A rainbow under the cloud, 雲の下の虹、구름 아래 무지개]

[Pictures of whales, クジラ観察写真、고래 관찰 사진]

We went back to the shore. But the small boat we used for accessing to the big boat was out of order. We had to wait another “rescue” boat to bring us to the shore.

We went to a small town in Margaret River. There was a restaurant named “WINO’s.” In side of the WINO’s was a bit dark and the ceiling was high. It reminded me of British bar in London.

There was a black board near the entrance and it says “In Beer There Is Truth, In Wine There is Wisdon, In Water There is Bacteria.”

[The small blackboard with interesting messages, おもしろいメッセージが書かれた小さな黒板、재미있는 메시지가 작은 칠판에 써있다.]

We like the phrases, and the atmosphere. We also like the categorization of menu by big boards. There were 5 menu boards; 1] Nibbles, 2)To share, 3)Veggies, 4) Sea Food, 5)Meat.

[Five big menu boards, 大きな5枚のメニュー板、다섯 개의 커다란 메뉴 판]

First, we ordered one menu from each category as Crispy Squid ($12)、Flatbread Pizza ($16)、Mushroom($13)、Grilled Herring($4)、Arkady Lamb($26) and a couple of bottles of wine.

[Dinner at WINO's、ウィノズで夕食、"위노즈"에서 저녁 식사]

We paid total 136 dollars for three people. So, it was quite reasonable.

When we were enjoying the food and wine, a couple came to the restaurant. The lady was wearing a dance costume.

When saw the lady, a switch in my wife was on. She asked Tracey to dance with her. Then she approached to the lady and began talking with them.

[Kikko began dancing with Tracey, 妻がトレイシーとダンスを始めた。]아내가 트레이시와 춤을 시작했다.

They were the couple from Sydney for vacation. The gentleman was an owner of a golf playing ground. They must be a rich couple!

[With the couple from Sydney, シドニーのカップルと、시드니의 커플과 함께]

We had the 2nd party at the cabin with alcohol beverage we bought before.

It was a peaceful 2nd night at Taunton Farm Cabin.
















このため道路は早々にあきらめ、Tauton Farmへ戻り、農場内のウォーキング用の道路を少し歩いたが、7時半ごろキャビンへ戻った。


[The sunrise at the farm, 農場の日の出、농장의 해돋이]

[At the farm, 農場にて、농장에서]


[Two ducks on the terrace, 二羽のカモがテラスに来た。오리 두 마리가 테라스에 왔다.]



[A beautiful bird flew in, 綺麗な鳥が飛んで来た。아름다운 새가 날아왔다.]


[Tracey made breakfast, トレイシーが朝食を作った。트레이시가 아침 식사를 만들었다.]



[We stopped at a gas station, ガソリンスタンドへ寄った。주유소에 들렀다.]


[In front of the cave, 洞窟の前で、동굴 앞에서]


[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]


["Look for the jawbones", 「サメの骨を探そう」、"상어 뼈를 찾고자"]

[Exhibition of fossils, 化石の展示品、화석 전시품]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]

[In the cave, 洞窟内にて、동굴 내에서]


[At the exit of the cave, 洞窟の出口にて、동굴의 출구에서]

[Around the exit of the cave, 洞窟の出口付近、동굴의 출구 부근]


[The explanation of Mammoth Stream,洞窟を生成した小川の説明、동굴을 생성 한 시내 설명]

[Mushrooms in the woods, 森のキノコ、숲의 버섯]


[A huge tree in the woods, 森の巨木、숲의 거목]

[In the woods, 森の中で、숲에서]


[We arrived at the beach, 海岸へ到着した、해안에 도착했다]


[At the beach, 海岸にて、해안에서]



[Landing pier for a small boat,ボートのための桟橋、배를위한 부두]


[Heading for the whale watching boat, クジラウォッチングの船に向かう、고래 관찰 배으로 향했다.]


[Kikko on the boat,クジラウォッチング船にて、고래 관찰 배에서]


[A sign of a whale?クジラか?고래 있습니까?]


[Tracey on the boat,クジラウォッチング船にて、고래 관찰 배에서]



[A rainbow under the cloud, 雲の下の虹、구름 아래 무지개]


[We hurried back to the land, 我々は岸へ急いだ、우리는 해안으로 서둘렀다.]


[The boat for landing was out of order, 接岸用ボートは故障、접안 용 배는 고장]




[The small blackboard with interesting messages, おもしろいメッセージが書かれた小さな黒板、재미있는 메시지가 작은 칠판에 써있다.]


[The counter of the bar, バーのカウンター、바 카운터]

[A fireplace in the restaurant, バーの暖炉、바 벽난로]

カテゴリーは左から1] Nibbles, 2)To share, 3)Veggies, 4) Sea Food, 5)Meatだった。

われわれはそれぞれのカテゴリーから1品ずつ選んで注文した。すなわち、Crispy Squid (12ドル)、Flatbread Pizza (16ドル)、Mushroom(13ドル)、Grilled Herring(4ドル)、Arkady Lamb(26ドル)である。

[Dinner at WINO's、ウィノズで夕食、"위노즈"에서 저녁 식사]



[Kikko began to talk to a stranger, 妻が客に話しかけた、아내가 손님에게 말을 걸었다,]


[With the couple from Sydney, シドニーのカップルと、시드니의 커플과 함께]



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