About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130704 At Chatswood、(ニューサウスウェールズのチャッツウッドにて) [뉴 사우스 웨일즈 채스 우드에서]

Traveling Date: July 4, 2013 (Thu) Clear

Place: Chatswod, Sydney (NSW) in Australia

Walking course: Greville ST (My son’s house) in Chatswood←→Downtown of Chatswood, NSW

Partner: Hajime (My elder son), Anna (his 2nd daughter), Noa (his son)

It was our 4th day in Australia and our 1st day in Chatswood, NSW this time.

It was a clear fine day with blue sky. I could see an airplane flying over the roof of my son’s house.

[A plane over the roof, 屋根の上空の飛行機、지붕 상공의 비행기]

There are several plants including Strelitzia (bird of paradise flower) in the garden.

["Strelitzia"(bird of paradise flower),ゴクラクチョウカ、극락조화 (스트렐리치아)]

Our grandkids were happy having us, especially with their Grandma. (She knows exactly how to please them.)

We are, of course, very happy to see them. They seem to grow fast. We had wonderful breakfast (mostly Japanese food) at the Lazy Susan Table.

My wife is a specialist to please people, esp. kids. This time, she decided to take our grandkids out, one by one for shopping.

Thus she could have a nice private take with each one of them, and could buy them what they really wanted to get.

On the first day, she took Naomi for shopping.

While they were doing shopping at downtown, Hajime, our son, took me, together with Annna and Noa to the downtown on foot. (He knows how I like walking.) I think it is less than 2 km.

[Walk to downtown,ダウンタウンへ向かって散歩、다운타운을 향해 산책]

Hajime took me to a post office at the downtown. I bought several stamps there. I noticed that there was a street musician near the post office.

[A street musician singing songs, ストリート・ミュージシャン、스트리트 뮤지션]

Then he took us to a coffee shop (tea house?) at the shopping mall. It seems that he often takes his kids there because they knew what they should order.

[At "Chatime" 『チャタイム』にて、"챠타임"에서]

[Snow Pear Series, 雪梨系列?、눈배 계열?]

[At "Chatime" 『チャタイム』にて、"챠타임"에서]

After having tea, we went out to the street. Then we saw my wife and Naomi, waiting for a bus. They were on their way home after shopping.

Leaving my wife and Naomi on at the bus stop, we walked to their house via a shortcut from their elementary school to their street. It looked like a small forest with many big trees.

[Chatswood Public School, チャッツウッド公立小学校、채스우드 공립 초등학교]

[On the way to go home, 帰路にて、돌아 가는 길에서]

[We came back near the house, 息子の家の近く、아들의 집 근처]

Louise, our daughter-in-law prepared “Temakizuji手巻き寿司”for dinner. The main “sashimi”was salmon and we liked it very much. I did not ask from where these salmon came, but I assume them from Tasmania.

["Temahizushi" for supper, 夕食は『手巻き寿司』、저녁 식사는 "테마키 초밥"(손에 감기는 초밥)]

After dinner, my son and his two daughters had “Bible Study” time. They all have Bible-available terminals, and read Bible in English. Since I have my own Bible in my“Kindle,”I could read the same part of the Bible, but my version was different from theirs.

I really amazed at my son’s ability to teach them the Bible in English.

[Noa plays toy blocks, 孫が積み木で遊んでいる、손자가 블록에서 놀고있다.]

[The completed toy blocks, 積み木の完成品、블록 완제품]

After the Bible Study, Naomi wore what her gandma brought from Japan, and maybe what she got at downtown this afternoon.

[Naomi in blue dress, 青いドレスを着た上の孫娘、파란 드레스를 입은 큰 손녀]

[Naomi in white dress, 白いドレスを着た上の孫娘、하얀 드레스를 입은 큰 손녀]








["Strelitzia"(bird of paradise flower),ゴクラクチョウカ、극락조화 (스트렐리치아)]

[Our son's house in Chatswood, チャッツウッドの息子の家、채스 우드의 아들의 집]


[Breakfast at Laze Susan, 『レイジースーザン』で朝食、"게으른 수잔(회전 쟁반)"에서 아침 식사]






[Walk to downtown,ダウンタウンへ向かって散歩、다운타운을 향해 산책]

["Friendly low greenhouse gas emission bus" 「低公害バス」とバス上部に英語で書かれたバス、버스 상단에 '저공해 버스'라고 영어로 쓰여진 버스]


[In front of the post office, 郵便局前で、우체국 앞에서]


[At "Chatime" 『チャタイム』にて、"챠타임"에서]


[We saw my wife and Naomi, バス停で妻と上の孫娘に会った。버스 정류장에서 아내와 큰 손녀를 만났다.]


[At Chatswood Public School, チャッツウッド公立小学校にて、채스우드 공립 초등학교에서]

[On the way to go home, 帰路にて、돌아 가는 길에서]

[The street sign of Greville ST,息子の家のある通りの入り口、아들 집이있는 거리 입구]

[Poinsettia at my son's garden, 息子の家の庭のポインセチア、아들 집 정원 포인세티아]


["Temahizushi" for supper, 夕食は『手巻き寿司』、저녁 식사는 "테마키 초밥"(손에 감기는 초밥)]



[Noa plays toy blocks, 孫が積み木で遊んでいる、손자가 블록에서 놀고있다.]

[The completed toy blocks, 積み木の完成品、블록 완제품]


[Naomi in blue dress, 青いドレスを着た上の孫娘、파란 드레스를 입은 큰 손녀]

[Naomi in white dress, 白いドレスを着た上の孫娘、하얀 드레스를 입은 큰 손녀]

1 件のコメント:

  1. とても魅力的な記事でした。
