About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


131123 Chuwolsan (秋月山추월산731m), Damyang, JeonNam Province(全南전남、潭陽タムヤン담양)

Mountain: Mt. Chuwolsan (秋月山추월산731m), Damyang, JeonNam Province(全南전남、潭陽タムヤン담양

Date: Nov. 23 (Sat) Fine

Course: Bongnisam Bus-Stop – Bongniam Sagori – Chuwolsan (731m) – Boriam Summit – Boriam – Parking Lot (10 km, 5.5 hours)

Participants: 45 AhToSan members

[The map of Chuwolsan, 秋月山(チュウォルサン)山行地図、추월산 산행 지도]

Chuwolsan is the mountain I climbed with my Belgian friend, Philip, in 2006.

[The hike with Philip in 2006, 2006年のハイク、2006 년 산행]

This time, all the seats were full, there was no vacant seat at all.

We left 7 am at the South Gate, but I could leave my studio apartment at 5:45 and walked to the bus-stop (for about 5 km). It took one hour.

“Wanbong” sat by me. We stopped Beolgok Service Area and had breakfast. I had my breakfast in my room, but I picked up some delicious kimchi which Mr. Park, the bus driver gave. It was delicious.

[Beolgok SA, 伐谷(ボルコクサービスエリア、벌곡휴게소]

There was a nice water wheel at the service area.

[A water wheel at Beolgok SA,伐谷SAの水車、벌곡휴게소 물방아]

[Breakfast at Beolgok SA,伐谷SAで朝食、벌곡 휴게소에서 아침 식사]

Mr. Park, the bus driver, also gave us Korean rice cake called “ttok.” I liked this ttok, too.

[A kind of Korean rice cake, "Songpyon"韓国の餅の一種「ソンピョン」、소편]

The hiking leader was Ruchi who prepared colorful maps for hiking.

[A colorful map, カラー地図、칼라 지도]

The bus stopped at the road-side at 10:15 and we bagan walking into the village.

[The bus stopped at the road-side, バスが目的地に到着、버스가 목적지에 도착]

[Jeongdaum, チョンダウン、정다운님]>

There were many persimmon fruit on the trees. They look beautiful.

[A persimmon tree, 柿の木、감나무]

We took several group pictures with Mt. Chuwolsan as the background. Then we began hiking.

[Group picture before the hike, 登山前の集合写真、등산 전 단체 사진]

We came out to the ridge at 10:50 and we had “Suzuki Time” there. I prepared melon, grapes and small tomatoes. We ate them up at once.

There was a nice rock where we had “Suzuki Time.” Tempi climbed up on the rock. So did “Mogwa.”

[Suzuki Time near the rock, 岩のそばで『スズキタイム』、바위 옆에서 "스즈키 타임"]

[With Tempi on the rock, 岩の上のテンピと、바위 위에 땡삐와 함께]

There were snow along the trail. It snowed this week and they did not melt away, especially on the north side of the mountain.

[A short break on the ridge, 稜線で小休止、능선에서 짧은 휴식]

[Some snow along the trail, 登山路の雪、등산로의 눈]

It was almost no wind, so it was very comfortable for hiking. I could walk with short leaves shirt comfortably.

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

I arrived at Suribong at 11:47. Then we stopped along the trail on the ridge for lunch.

[At Suribong, スリ峰の里程標にて、스리봉 이정표에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

I joined the main group where Alain Delon and Jeongdaum. Jeongdaum shared her curry with me.

[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]

I ate a cup noodle and rice with red bean which they gave participants every time on the bus. I also prepared cooked rice in a small jar.

[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]

I began after-lunch hike with the main group at 12:33.

[At the guidepost of Wolge Samgori, ウォルゲ三叉路にて、월계 삼거리에서]

It took us only 30 minutes to reach the summit of Chuwolsan. I took several group pictures at the summit as well as a single picture (taken by some other member.)

[At the summit of Chuwolsan, 秋月山山頂にて、추월산 정상에서]

[At the summit of Chuwolsan, 秋月山山頂にて、추월산 정상에서]

[Near the summit of Chuwolsan, 秋月山山頂付近にて、추월산 정상 부근에서]

We kept comfortable ridge hike while seeing the reservoir on our right side.

When we came close to the summit of Boriam, I got cramp in my legs, but not too big problem.

[On the summit of Boriam, 菩提庵頂上にて、보리암 정상에서]

The group picture at the summit of Boriam was 13:53, then it was only down-trail.

[On the summit of Boriam, 菩提庵頂上にて、보리암 정상에서]

[Tempi on the ridge, 稜線にて『テンピ』、능선에서 "땡삐"]

[George on the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[George at the guidepost, 菩提庵頂上の里程標にて、보리암 정상 이정표에서]

It was rather steep, but descending is no problem for me.

[The steep wooden stairs, 木の階段、나무 계단]

We arrived Boriam Temple at 14:13. On the way to Boriam Temple, I saw several monuments for those who died for the country during Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98).

[The monuments for the fighters during Japanese invasions of Korea, 文禄・慶長の役の義士顕彰碑、임진왜란 의사 현창비]

[The explanation of Boriam, 菩提庵の説明、보리암 설명]

[Boriam, 菩提庵、보리암]

[New members at Boriam, 菩提庵にて、보리암에서]

On the way down, I saw a small cave, which was written as “Shelter.” It could be used as a shelter when it rained, I thought.

[Saengeuli in front of the cave, 待避所にてセングリ、대피소에서 생글이]

When we came down at the foot of the mountain, I saw a big map of the mountain and some beautiful autumnal colors.

[A map of Chuwolsan, 秋月山の地図、추월산 지도]

There were no models around me at that time, so I took only the maple leaves. But I found better pictures with models later at AhToSan web site.

[Autumnal colors at the foot of mountain, 麓の紅葉、산기슭의 단풍]

[Autumnal colors at the foot of mountain, 麓の紅葉、산기슭의 단풍]

[Baengnihyang with maple leaves, 百里香と紅葉、백리향과 단풍]

When I came to the observation deck by the reservoir, more members caught us with me. So I took the pictures of these members.

[Jeongdaun by the reservoir, 貯水池の近所にて、저수지 근처에서]

[]George at the observation deck、展望台にて、전망대에서]

I arrived at the AhToSan bus in the parking lot at 3:08, I saw only “Pianoman” one of the fastest hikers among AhToSan.

[Piano Man welcomed me, ピアノマンが待っていた。피아노 맨이 기다리고 있었다.]

So, I could goal in rather early this time. Mr. Park, the bus driver was busy cooking the main dish for the wrap-up party.

[Piano Man and Gipeumyoyu,ピアノマンとキップンヨユウ、피아노맨과 깊음여유]

Some female members joined him, while male members prepared the tables and stools, and then began drinking alcohol beverage.

[Side dishes at the party, 打ち上げのおかず、뒤풀이에서의 반찬들]

I joined Pianman and some other fast hikers. Then one by one, or group by group, AhToSan hikers came down and joined us.

[Main dish, Kimchi Jjigae, メインディッシュ『キムチチゲ』、주 요리 "김치 찌개"]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げにて、뒤풀이에서]

Alain Delon came at 3:33, and Ruchi the hiking leader came at 3:47.

[Alain Delon has arrived, アランドロン会長が到着、알랭들롱 회장님이 도착]

[Ruchi has arrived, ルチ山行大将が到着、루시 산행 대장이 도착]

[At the end of the party, 打ち上げの最後に、뒤풀이의 마지막에]

The last hikers, “Charisma” and her high school son and Mogwa at 3:48.

We enjoyed the party until 4:15, then left the place for Daejeon.

The bus returned to the Expo South Gate at 7 pm. I went back to Shinseongdong by 604 Bus.

It was my 58th hike for this year, and my 333rd AhToSan regular hike as total participation.


分類:登山、韓国、秋山, 登山、韓国百名山(100 Famous Korean Mountains)

登山日:2013年11月23日(土) 晴れ


登山コース:ボクリアムバス停(복리암버스정류장)-ポクリアム三叉路(복리암삼거리)-スリ峰(수리봉726m)-720m峰-ウォルケ三叉路(월계삼거리)-秋月山(추월산731m)-菩提庵頂上(보리암정상692m)-秋月山駐車場(約 10Km, 5時間30分)


[The map of Chuwolsan, 秋月山(チュウォルサン)山行地図、추월산 산행 지도]


[Chuwolsan in 2006, 2006年の秋月山の写真、2006년 추월산 사진]





[Beolgok SA, 伐谷(ボルコクサービスエリア、벌곡휴게서]


[Breakfast at Beolgok SA,伐谷SAで朝食、벌곡 휴게소에서 아침 식사]



[A colorful map, カラー地図、칼라 지도]


["Taengpi" poses,『テンピ』、"땡삐"]

[Walking toward the village, 村へ向かって歩き始めた。마을을 향해 걷기 시작했다.]



[Group picture before the hike, 登山前の集合写真、등산 전 단체 사진]


[Suzuki Time near the rock, 岩のそばで『スズキタイム』、바위 옆에서 "스즈키 타임"]



[With Tempi on the rock, 岩の上のテンピと、바위 위에 땡삐와 함께]


[A short break on the ridge, 稜線で小休止、능선에서 짧은 휴식]


[At Bongniam Summit, ボンニアム頂上にて、복리암 정상에서]


[At Suribong, スリ峰の里程標にて、스리봉 이정표에서]

[With "Meocheong" 『モッチョン』と、"멋정"과 함께]

[Jeongdaun on the ridge, 稜線にてチョンダウン、능선에서 정다운 전회장님]


[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]

[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]




[At the summit of Chuwolsan, 秋月山山頂にて、추월산 정상에서]

[Near the summit of Chuwolsan, 秋月山山頂付近にて、추월산 정상 부근에서]



[On the summit of Boriam, 菩提庵頂上にて、보리암 정상에서]


[Saemggeoli on the ridge, 稜線にて『セングリ』、능선에서 "생글이"]



[The monument for the fighters during Japanese invasions of Korea, 文禄・慶長の役の義士顕彰碑、임진왜란 의사 현창비]

[Tempi at Boriam, 菩提庵にて『テンピ』、보리암에서 "땡삐"]

[Minju at Boriam, 菩提庵にて『民主』、보리암에서 "민주"]

[At the observation deck, 展望台にてセングリと同行者、전망대에서 생글이과 동행자]


[Jeongdaun in front of the cave, 待避所にてチョンダウン、대피소에서 정다운]


[Poster disallowing the collection of nuts、木の実の採集を禁じるポスター、열매 채집을 금지 포스터]


[Autumnal colors at the foot of mountain, 麓の紅葉、산기슭의 단풍]

[Baengnihyang with maple leaves, 百里香と紅葉、백리향과 단풍]



[]Gongja at the observation deck、展望台にて、전망대에서



[Mr. Park cooking Kimchi-Jjigae、朴社長がキムチチゲを煮ている、박사장님이 김치 찌개를 끓여있다.]


[Side dishes at the party, 打ち上げのおかず、뒤풀이에서의 반찬들]


[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げにて、뒤풀이에서]




[Alain Delon, アランドロン会長、알랭들롱 회장님]


[The last group has arrived, 後尾グループが到着、후미 그룹이 도착]


[At the end of the party, 打ち上げの最後に、뒤풀이의 마지막에]



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