About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


131109 Geumosan[金烏山(クムオサン)금오산977m], Gumi[亀尾(クミ)구미], Gyongbuk(慶北경북) Province

Date: Nov. 9, 2013 (Fri) Cloudy, then rain

Mountain: Geumosan[金烏山(クムオサン)금오산977m], Gumi[亀尾(クミ)구미], Gyongbuk(慶北경북) Province

Course: Parking Lot – Daehyemun – Haeunsa – Daehye Waterfall – Yaksaam – Geumosan Hyonwolbong – Geumojeong – Kaldabong – Geumo Reservoir – Parking Lot (12 km, 6 hours)

Participants: 30 AhToSan members

[A map of Geumosan, 金烏山の地図、금오산의지도]

Weather was not very good. It was cloudy in the morning and it began to rain in the afternoon.

There were 30 hikers including me. We left Expo South Gate at 7 am.

I took a local bus #604 and walked to the bus-stop from Health Care Center bus-stop.

We stopped at Hwanggan Service Area for breakfast. AhToSan president provided his home-made kimchi for the members, but he forgot to bring walkie-talkies and Best Member plate for Dotori(도토리).

It was Dotori’s 11th hike to join AhToSan regular hiking. KS was considerate enough to present him a gift (probably portable stool for hiking.)

[KS gave a present to Dotori, KSは『トトリ』にプレゼント、KS가 '도토리'에게 선물]

We arrived at the parking lot of Geumosan at 9:20 and took a group picture at the parking lot.

[Arriving at the parking lot, 駐車場へ到着、주차장에 도착]

[At the parking lot, 駐車場にて、주차장에서]

["Let's go to mountains on Saturday!"『さあ、土曜日は山へ行こう!』"아, 토요일은 산에 가자! "]

[At the parking lot, 駐車場にて、주차장에서]

The autumnal colors were beautiful from the parking lot to the middle of the mountain.

[Near the parking lot, 駐車場近くにて、주차장 근처에서]

The slope from the parking lot to the ridge was not steep, just gentle, yet I was the slowest hiker, and all other hikers went ahead of me.

[Waling toward the temple, 海雲寺へ向かう、해운사로 향하는 회원들.]

[The entrance of the trail, 登山口、등산로 입구]

The maple leaves around Daehyemun Gate were especially beautiful, but there were no AhToSan members to take pictures with these beautiful leaves.

[In front of the gate, 大恵門にて、대혜문에)]

[At the Daehye Gate, 大恵門にて、대혜문에서]

[Near the Daehye gate, 大恵門付近にて、대혜문 부근에서]

[Stone towers along the trail, 登山路の石塔、등산로의 석탑]

Haeunsa Temple looked interesting, but since I was much behind everyone else, so I just passed by the temple and hurried on my way.

[Hikers walking by the temple, 『海雲寺』付近にて、"해운사"부근에서]

[At RyongHeungJeong Well, 『霊興井』にて、"영흥정」에서]

[At RyongHeungJeong Well, 『霊興井』にて、"영흥정」에서]

[At Haeunsa Temple, 海雲寺にて、해운사에서]

[At Haeunsa Temple, 海雲寺にて、해운사에서]

[Autumnal color near the waterfall, 大恵瀑布付近の紅葉、대혜 폭포 부근의 단풍]

When I arrived at Daehye Waterfall, I saw AhToSan members such as Gyongmi, Piano Man and Alain Delon, the president.

[The Daehye Waterfall, 大恵滝、대혜폭포]

[Gyongmi at the waterfall,大恵滝にて、대혜폭포에서]

[Explanation of the waterfall,大恵滝の説明、대혜폭포 설명]

[Stone towers, 石塔群、석탑 군]

["Pianoman" 『ピアノマン』、피아노맨님]

They may have visited Doseon Cave, but I had no time to visit the cave.

[Wooden train near the waterfall, 大恵滝の横の木製登山路、대혜폭포 옆의 나무 등산로]

[At the Wooden train near the waterfall, 大恵滝の横の木製登山路にて、대혜폭포 옆의 나무 등산로에서]

So I spent short time at the waterfall, and hurried my way to the summit.

[A scene from the observation deck, 展望台から見た展望、전망대에서 본 전망]

On a rocky ridge, when they were having a short break time, I offered my fruits for them, but the number of the people was so small, most of the fruits remained as they were.

[First "Suzuki Time" at the observation deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]

Soon, they went ahead of me, and I was left alone. I kept walking alone up to the heliport on the summit.

[1.4 km to the summit, 頂上まであと1.4 km,정상까지 앞으로 1.4 km]

[A scene from the ridge, 頂上付近の稜線から見た展望、정상 부근의 능선에서 본 전망]

["Mogwa" at the summit, 顕月峰にて、금오산 현월봉에서]

There I met the top group of the hikers who just finished sightseeing the temple called “Yakusiam” and climbed to the summit.

[At Heliport, ヘリポートにて、헬기장에서]

[At Heliport, ヘリポートにて、헬기장에서]

After seeing the beautiful gate of “Yakusiam” and taking some pictures, I gave up visiting “Yakusiam” and the summit of the mountain and joined the top group.

[The stairs to Yakusiam, 薬師庵への階段、약사암에 가는 계단]

[The gate of Yakusiam, 薬師庵の「東国第一門」、약사암 "동국 제일문"]

First, we were to have lunch at the heliport, but it was blowing cold and hard, so we tried to find a shelter behind the heliport.

[Lunch near the summit, 頂上付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심 식사]

We found a better place behind the heliport, and had lunch there.

Then Alain Delone and his companies joined us about 30 minutes later when we almost finished our lunch.

I joined the 2nd group of hikers and left the lunch place.

We descended to the flat place, (it could be Geumojeong), then I took some pictures between two Jangseung (Korean traditional Totem Pole).

[At Geumojeong, クムモジョンにて、금오정에서]

[At Geumojeong, クムモジョンにて、금오정에서]

When we climbed up to the ridge, I offered my fruits to my fellow hikers.

[On the ridge, 金烏山稜線にて、금오산 능선에서]

[Minju on the ridge, 金烏山稜線にて、금오산 능선에서]

Now we walked ridge hike, while seeing the summit of Geumosan behind.

[Ruchi on the ridge, 金烏山稜線にて、금오산 능선에서]

It was much better for me because the tails were mostly downward.

[Minju and Ruchi on the ridge, 金烏山稜線にて、금오산 능선에서]

When we arrived at Kaldabong, another member offered kiwi. I took pictures of AhToSan members at this summit.

[At Kaldabong, カルダ峰にて、칼다봉에서]

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

After passing Kaldabong, it began to rain, but not too hard.

[At the end of descending trail, 下山路の終点にて、하산 길의 종점에서]

When we came down to the reservoir, people were having the exhibition of flowers of chrysanthemum.





["Jindallae" out-of-season, 季節外れのチンダルレ、늦음 진달래]


> While ladies went for the bathroom, I began walking alone the reservoir. Then it began raining hard.

[At the reservoir, 貯水池にて、저수지에서]

I saw Yoyu, a staff member of AhToSan, so I followed him to find the proper destination.

[At the reservoir, 貯水池にて、저수지에서]

[At the reservoir, 貯水池にて、저수지에서]

It was a restaurant named “Waterfall Restaurant” by the parking lot.

[AT Waterfall Restaurant, 滝食堂にて、폭포 식당에서]

There the top group members were having “wrap-up party” already and I joined them.

[AT Waterfall Restaurant, 滝食堂にて、폭포 식당에서]

The more members one by one, joined the table of wrap-up party. They used cooking facility of the restaurant and they cooked “Tokkuk”soup.

[AT Waterfall Restaurant, 滝食堂にて、폭포 식당에서]

It took much time, and we had side dishes until the main dish “Tokkuk” was done.

It really rained hard, but I was already at the restaurant, so I did not get wet much.

The main dish was done at almost 4 pm after 30 minutes later.

We finished having the main dish within 15 minutes and our bus left the parking lot at 4:15 pm.

We came back to Expo South Gate at 7 pm. I took a bus of 606 in front of Culter and Art Center.

It was my 56th hike for this year and 331st AhToSan regular hike for me.



登山日:2013年11月9日(土) 曇りのち雨


登山コース:駐車場 - 大恵門(대혜문) - 海雲寺(해운사) - 大恵滝(대혜폭포) - トソン窟(도선굴) - ハルタク峠(할딱고개) - 磨崖仏分かれ道(마애불갈림길) – オヒョン石塔(오형돌탑) - 薬師庵(약사암) - 金烏山・顕月峰(금오산현월봉977m) - クムオジョン(금오정) – カルダ峰(칼다봉715m) - 観光ホテル分かれ道 - 金烏貯水池散策 - 駐車場[約12km 6時間]



[A map of Geumosan, 金烏山の地図、금오산의지도]





["Dotori" was awarded, 『トトリ』が優秀会員に、"도토리"가 우수회원이 되었다.]


[Arriving at the parking lot, 駐車場へ到着、주차장에 도착]

[A group picture at the parking lot, 駐車場で集合写真、주차장에서 단체사진]

[At the parking lot, 駐車場にて、주차장에서]


[At the parking lot, 駐車場にて、주차장에서]


[Waling toward the temple, 海雲寺へ向かう、해운사로 향하는 회원들.]

["Mogwa" 『モグァ(カリン)』、모과님]


[A stone tower, 石塔、석탑]

[In front of the gate, 大恵門にて、대혜문에서)]

[Near the Daehye Gate, 大恵門付近にて、대혜문 부근에서]

[Near the Daehye Gate, 大恵門付近にて、대혜문 부근에서]

[Autumnal color near the gate, 大恵門付近の紅葉、대혜문 부근의 단풍]

[Trail near the temple, 海雲寺近くの登山路、해운사 부근의 등산로]

[At RyongHeungJeong Well, 『霊興井』にて、"영흥정」에서]

[At RyongHeungJeong Well, 『霊興井』にて、"영흥정」에서]

[Haeunsa Temple, 海雲寺、해운사]

[At Haeunsa Temple, 海雲寺にて、해운사에서]


[The Daehye Waterfall, 大恵滝、대혜폭포]

[Alain Delon at the Daehye Waterfall, 大恵滝にて、대혜폭포에서]

[Stone towers, 石塔群、석탑 군]

[AhTo members in front of the waterfall,大恵滝にて、대혜폭포에서]

[Conservation Campain, 自然保護運動、자연 보호 운동]


[Maple trees near the observation deck, 展望台付近の紅葉、전망대 부근의 단풍]

[A scene from the observation deck, 展望台から見た展望、전망대에서 본 전망]

[First "Suzuki Time" at the observation deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]

[A scene from the ridge, 頂上付近の稜線から見た展望、정상 부근의 능선에서 본 전망]


["Minju" at the summit, 顕月峰にて、금오산 현월봉에서]

[At Heliport, ヘリポートにて、헬기장에서]


[The gate on the summit, 薬師庵の「東国第一門」、약사암 "동국 제일문"]


[Lunch near the summit, 頂上付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심 식사]



[At Geumojeong, クムモジョンにて、금오정에서]




[The second "Suzuki Time" 稜線にて『第2スズキタイム』능선에서 「두번째 스즈키 타임 "]

、 その後、10人のグループも次第に細長くなり、私はルチとミンジュの二人と主に進んだ。

[Minju and Ruchi on the ridge, 金烏山稜線にて、금오산 능선에서]

[On the ridge of Geumosan, 金烏山稜線にて、금오산 능선에서]

[On the ridge of Geumosan, 金烏山稜線にて、금오산 능선에서]


[At Kaldabong, カルダ峰にて、칼다봉에서]

[At Kaldabong, カルダ峰にて、칼다봉에서]


[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]





[Near the reservoir, 貯水池近くにて、저수지 근처에서]

["Jindallae" out-of-season, 季節外れのチンダルレ、늦음 진달래]


[At the reservoir, 貯水池にて、저수지에서]

[At the reservoir, 貯水池にて、저수지에서]

[At the reservoir, 貯水池にて、저수지에서]


[AT Waterfall Restaurant, 滝食堂にて、폭포 식당에서]


[AT Waterfall Restaurant, 滝食堂にて、폭포 식당에서]


[AT Waterfall Restaurant, 滝食堂にて、폭포 식당에서]






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