Date: Dec. 19, 2013 (Thu) Cloudy
Place: Coffee & Tea Leaf in KAIST
Participants: Jim, Eric, BJ & Marta with Hanna
We had the last Stammtsich meeting at KAIST for this year.
Marta & BJ will be going to Ukraine and I will go back to Japan for a month. So, it was the last meeting in 2013.
Eric, a Chinese student and a member of AhToSan joined us.
Eric wants to study in Japan. He is planning to go to Japan to take Ph.D in Japan in 2014. He needs to get a document evaluating his Japanese proficiency by a Japanese teacher. He brought the format with him, so that I can fill in it.
Marta and BJ bought a birthday cake for Jim. We sang “Happy Birthday to You” for Jim and he blew off the candle on the cake.
We shared the cake while having the meeting. Jim is a little younger than me.
Marta also brought a PC and access wireless LAN in KAIST and showed the current situation at Independent Squire in Kiev.
Tens of thousands of anti-government demonstrators were having anti-government meeting under minus zero temperature.
Since it is very cold there, they are dancing during the demonstration. So far it is a peaceful meeting.
But the solution cannot be seen yet.
Besides Ukrine situation, we talked about the place we want to live in the future, esp. after retirement.
Jim introduced a village in Vilcabamba, Republic of Ecuador. He said that Vilcabamba is noted for the longevity of its people.
BJ said that he would like to live in Spain because of its reputation of culture and food.
Eric said he would like to live in Japan. I am not sure if he meant after retirement. Rather, I guess it was his recent dream as a lover of Japanese culture.
I do not think Marta mentioned any country. She may live wherever her husband lives, I guess.
Maybe it is I who has to decide where to live after the retirement, soon.
I wish I could live in Sydney with my son’s family, but not all the year. I would like to live in Japan half a year and in Australia half a year.
And of course, I would like to travel around the world including Korea and China.
I left Stammtisch meeting place at 9 pm.
Oh, I remember that there is a correction about hometown of Eric.
He is from Jinan, the capital city of Shandong, not Qingdao.
Anyhow Eric looks like a city boy.
場所:KAIST、Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
131216 Dunsan Japanese Study Group(屯山の日本語勉強会둔산 일본어 스터디)
Date: Dec. 16, 2013 (Mon) Fine
Place: 5th floor of a building near Daejeon City Hall
Participants: 6 Koreans and 2 Japanese
Text: “Kitchen” by Yoshimoto Banana(よしもとばなな)
I had stiff mucles in my legs because of the hike on Saturday. I feel sorry for HeeSun. She must have hard time even now.
Mr. Min, a good speaker of Japanese, invited me to a Japanese Study Group in Dunsan, so I ate dinner at my room and went to see him in the evening.
I took #604 bus from Shinseongdong and got off at Dunsan Police Dep. which Mr. Min works as a detective.
I took subway from Government Compartments Station and got off at City Hall Station, just next stop and saw Mr. Min at the North Exit/Entrance of City Hall.
He came by bicycle, and we walked for about 5 minutes to go to the building. The study group uses a conference room on the 5th floor of the building.
There were 6 Korean people; 3 men and 3 women.The volunteer teacher as Mr. Kimura and they use a novel titled “Kictchen” written by Yoshimoto Banana.
Yoshimoto Banana(よしもとばなな):
Ms. Yun, in charge of general affairs, brought several sweet buns. Since I ate my supper at home, I took one with me and brought back.
When Mr. Kimura came in, everyone finished having “supper” and they began reading “Kitchen” one by one.
Each member read sentence by sentence, and they translated or explained the meaning of each sentence in Korean language.
Each member did his/her work for about one or two pages, then it’s next member’s turn.
If any part of the sentence mis-read, Mr. Kimura corrected. In case of questions, he or other members answered to these questions.
It took about 90 minutes to complete all members, and ended the part that “Yuichi” visited “Misato” after the funeral of Misato’s grandmother, and invited Misato to his apartment to live together with his “mother.”
During the class, one member read a part that Linus' blanket was quoted. There is a music band named “Linus' Blanket” in Korea. So, it must be not too difficult for the Koream members to understand. But most of them did not know about it.
Besides “Kitchen” Mr. Min performed many tongue twisters quite well. There were some which I did not know before.
He must be really good at Japanese.
The study ended at 8:30 and I went home after the class. I would by “Kitchen” and study it until next time in 2014.
タマタマ :生麦生米生卵
ムウマージ :魔術師魔術修行中
ローブシン :地味な爺やの自慢の地酒
ナマケロ :駒込のわがまま者 中野の怠け者
ワカシャモ :庭には鶏が二羽いました。
ニョロトノorカマゲロゲorゲッコウガ :かえるぴょこぴょこ3ぴょこぴょこ あわせてぴょこぴょこ6ぴょこぴょこ
ケンタロス :あぶりカルビ
ドガース :ブスバスガイド バスガス爆発
ゼニガメorカモネギ :親亀子亀子孫亀 親鴨子鴨子孫鴨
ズルズキンorドーブル :坊主が屏風に上手に坊主を絵を書いた
ルナトーン :月づきに月みる月は多けれど月見る月はこの月の月
ポニータ :ラバがロバかロバかラバか分からないのでラバとロバを比べたらロバかラバか分からなかった
メグロコorバシャーモ :にわの庭には二羽の鶏は鰐を食べた v ドジョッチ :どじょうにょろにょろ三にょろにょろ 合わせてにょろにょろ六にょろにょろ
チェリム :桜咲く桜の山の桜花咲く 桜あり散る桜あり
ポカブ :ブタがブタをぶったらぶたれたブタをぶったのでぶったブタとぶたれたブタがぶったおれた
カモネギ :巣鴨駒込駒込巣鴨親鴨子鴨大鴨子鴨
ヒトモシ :ローマの牢屋の広い廊下を六十六の老人がロウソク持ってオロオロ歩く
Place: 5th floor of a building near Daejeon City Hall
Participants: 6 Koreans and 2 Japanese
Text: “Kitchen” by Yoshimoto Banana(よしもとばなな)
I had stiff mucles in my legs because of the hike on Saturday. I feel sorry for HeeSun. She must have hard time even now.
Mr. Min, a good speaker of Japanese, invited me to a Japanese Study Group in Dunsan, so I ate dinner at my room and went to see him in the evening.
I took #604 bus from Shinseongdong and got off at Dunsan Police Dep. which Mr. Min works as a detective.
I took subway from Government Compartments Station and got off at City Hall Station, just next stop and saw Mr. Min at the North Exit/Entrance of City Hall.
He came by bicycle, and we walked for about 5 minutes to go to the building. The study group uses a conference room on the 5th floor of the building.
There were 6 Korean people; 3 men and 3 women.The volunteer teacher as Mr. Kimura and they use a novel titled “Kictchen” written by Yoshimoto Banana.
Yoshimoto Banana(よしもとばなな):
Ms. Yun, in charge of general affairs, brought several sweet buns. Since I ate my supper at home, I took one with me and brought back.
When Mr. Kimura came in, everyone finished having “supper” and they began reading “Kitchen” one by one.
Each member read sentence by sentence, and they translated or explained the meaning of each sentence in Korean language.
Each member did his/her work for about one or two pages, then it’s next member’s turn.
If any part of the sentence mis-read, Mr. Kimura corrected. In case of questions, he or other members answered to these questions.
It took about 90 minutes to complete all members, and ended the part that “Yuichi” visited “Misato” after the funeral of Misato’s grandmother, and invited Misato to his apartment to live together with his “mother.”
During the class, one member read a part that Linus' blanket was quoted. There is a music band named “Linus' Blanket” in Korea. So, it must be not too difficult for the Koream members to understand. But most of them did not know about it.
Besides “Kitchen” Mr. Min performed many tongue twisters quite well. There were some which I did not know before.
He must be really good at Japanese.
The study ended at 8:30 and I went home after the class. I would by “Kitchen” and study it until next time in 2014.
タマタマ :生麦生米生卵
ムウマージ :魔術師魔術修行中
ローブシン :地味な爺やの自慢の地酒
ナマケロ :駒込のわがまま者 中野の怠け者
ワカシャモ :庭には鶏が二羽いました。
ニョロトノorカマゲロゲorゲッコウガ :かえるぴょこぴょこ3ぴょこぴょこ あわせてぴょこぴょこ6ぴょこぴょこ
ケンタロス :あぶりカルビ
ドガース :ブスバスガイド バスガス爆発
ゼニガメorカモネギ :親亀子亀子孫亀 親鴨子鴨子孫鴨
ズルズキンorドーブル :坊主が屏風に上手に坊主を絵を書いた
ルナトーン :月づきに月みる月は多けれど月見る月はこの月の月
ポニータ :ラバがロバかロバかラバか分からないのでラバとロバを比べたらロバかラバか分からなかった
メグロコorバシャーモ :にわの庭には二羽の鶏は鰐を食べた v ドジョッチ :どじょうにょろにょろ三にょろにょろ 合わせてにょろにょろ六にょろにょろ
チェリム :桜咲く桜の山の桜花咲く 桜あり散る桜あり
ポカブ :ブタがブタをぶったらぶたれたブタをぶったのでぶったブタとぶたれたブタがぶったおれた
カモネギ :巣鴨駒込駒込巣鴨親鴨子鴨大鴨子鴨
ヒトモシ :ローマの牢屋の広い廊下を六十六の老人がロウソク持ってオロオロ歩く
131214 DaeBongSan (大鳳山대봉산1,252m), in Hamyang(咸陽함양), GyongNam(慶南경남) Province
Mountain: DaeBongSan (大鳳山대봉산/掛冠山괘관산as the old name 1,252m), in Hamyang(咸陽함양), GyongNam(慶南경남) Province
Date: Dec. 14 (Sat) Fine, occasionally cloudy
Course: Wantongjae – Gamtubong – Daebongsan (or GwaeGwanSan) – Jiso Villege (about 10 km, 5 hours)
Partners: Bernardo, Heesun, Cheomwa, Chorokbaem (Grean Snake)
Participants: 29 AhToSan members
The destination was close to Daejeon. Therefore we left South Gate Bus Stop at 7 am.
Applicants were just 30 members including Bernardo from Seoul, but there was one member cancelled.
To my surprise, I found HeeSun among those who took on the bus at the South Gate.
She joined AhToSan hike several times, but mostly island easy hike and it must be the first experience to climb a snow-covered mountain.
We stopped at Deokgyusan Service Area and had breakfast there.
Mr. Park, the bus driver gave us “Ttok” to everyone. It was a traditional Korean ttok and delicious.
We arrived at Wantongjae or Ppeppejae, at 9:35 am. The trails were frozen, so we put climbing irons and spats before starting the hike.
We took group pictures at 9:44 and began hiking. This time, no falling down of my camera (I set the tripod carefully.)
As usual, I was slow while climbing the uphill. This time, HeeSun was the last hiker, and Bernardo supported her.
I offered fruits on the ridge after walking only 30 minutes, so my bag became a little lighter.
When we arrived at Gamtubong, it was at 10:36. There was a big stone monument, the name of the mountain was curved in Chinese characters.
It was written as “Gamtusan甘投山” not “Gamtsubong(감투봉)” which was written on the map.
In Korea, “San(山)” is usually wider area while “Bong(峰)” is each summit.
So, it sould be “Kamtubong” not “Kamtusan” since it is a part of “Daebongsan.”
Anyway, at this moment, were were 6 people including Alain Delon. So, I took several pictures including a picture with Alain Delon and Bernardo.
But Alain Delon went fast, and the rest of 5 members walked all together, 4 men supporting HeeSun.
I am grateful esp. to Cheomwa and “Green Snake” since there are experienced strong hikers and I had no worry about losing my way to the destination.
The mountains were beautiful with snow but snow on some part of the trails were too deep. I was glad that I put spats on my legs.
Bernardo liked the scenes very much and he took many picutures. But HeeSun seems having a lot of difficulites walking on the snow-covered trails.
She tended to be slow and left behind, so we had to wait for her and encouraged her.
I brought not only grapes and small tomatoes, but also “paprika” the colorful vegitable. She ate it while taking rest on the snow.
When it became past noon, we stopped at a heliport, and had lunch among 5 members.
Cheomwa brought a burner and instant ramen, so did “Green Snake” a lot of water and also ramen bags.
Bernardo and I brought cup noodles, but they told us not to put hot water in the cups. In stead, they encouraged us to eat ramen they cooked.
It was hot and delicious. They added bean sprouts in the ramen. They were hot and tasted very good.
After having ramen, we resumed the hike. We ha d HeeSun walking first, then we followed her.
When we passed the communication facilities, it was 2:20 and the summit of DaeBongSan was close to it.
We arrived at DaeBongSan Summit, and there was a big stone memorial, but the name of the mountain curved on the stone was “GyeGwanBong (鶏冠峰)” not “DaeBongSan(掛冠山)”.
It must be put before they changed the name, but the former name of the mountain was not GyeGwanSan(鶏冠山), but GweGwanSan(掛冠山). It was quite confusing.
The altitude curved on the stone was also 1,253m.
Since the name of Hamyanggun(咸陽郡) was also curved under the name, Hamyang Local Office should be responsible, but they must not be care too much.
There was a rocky peak which seemed higher than the monument place, and it could be seen as “Cockscomb” so “GyeGwanSan” could be all right.
After taking pictures at the monument, we began descending the mountain.
Soon after we began descending, I found a huge "Cheolchuk" or "Azalea" tree. There was a stone plate which says "this tree is a protected tree of Azalea aging over 1000 years!
It must be beautiful if I came in its blooming season in spring.
There was another peak called “Cheonwangbong (天皇峰) just 900 meters east, and about the middle of the trail, there was a junction of three trails.
We stopped there to take another rest. Then we turned south, not Cheonwangbong, but to the exit of the trail, Jiso Village.
We went down along the river in the valley, and came out to the exit at 4:18.
There was a private gate like a samurai residence in Japan.
And there were several persimmon trees with rapen fruits. They looked beautiful.
Finally we arrived at the bus at 4:28 pm. Mogwa was waiting for us and provided us with hot “odeng.” They tasted very good.
Most of other hikers already finished the wrap-up party and waiting for us inside of the bus.
So had odeng quickly and took on the bus. The bus left the place at maybe 4:40 and arrived at South Gate 6:30 pm.
It was my 61st hike for the year and my participation on AhToSan regular hike was 336th.
--- Photo Gallery by Other Photographers 他の写真家たちによるフォトギャラリー、다른 작가들에 의한 포토 갤러리---
登山コース:ワントンジェ(원통재) – 甘投峰(감투봉) -大鳳山(대봉산) or 掛冠山(괘관산) - 天皇峰 – ジソマウル(지소마을) [約10km、 5時間] 同行者:ベルナルド、ヒソン、チョロクペム(초록뱀)、チョムワ(첨와)
--- Photo Gallery by Other Photographers 他の写真家たちによるフォトギャラリー、다른 작가들에 의한 포토 갤러리---
Date: Dec. 14 (Sat) Fine, occasionally cloudy
Course: Wantongjae – Gamtubong – Daebongsan (or GwaeGwanSan) – Jiso Villege (about 10 km, 5 hours)
Partners: Bernardo, Heesun, Cheomwa, Chorokbaem (Grean Snake)
Participants: 29 AhToSan members
The destination was close to Daejeon. Therefore we left South Gate Bus Stop at 7 am.
Applicants were just 30 members including Bernardo from Seoul, but there was one member cancelled.
To my surprise, I found HeeSun among those who took on the bus at the South Gate.
She joined AhToSan hike several times, but mostly island easy hike and it must be the first experience to climb a snow-covered mountain.
We stopped at Deokgyusan Service Area and had breakfast there.
Mr. Park, the bus driver gave us “Ttok” to everyone. It was a traditional Korean ttok and delicious.
We arrived at Wantongjae or Ppeppejae, at 9:35 am. The trails were frozen, so we put climbing irons and spats before starting the hike.
We took group pictures at 9:44 and began hiking. This time, no falling down of my camera (I set the tripod carefully.)
As usual, I was slow while climbing the uphill. This time, HeeSun was the last hiker, and Bernardo supported her.
I offered fruits on the ridge after walking only 30 minutes, so my bag became a little lighter.
When we arrived at Gamtubong, it was at 10:36. There was a big stone monument, the name of the mountain was curved in Chinese characters.
It was written as “Gamtusan甘投山” not “Gamtsubong(감투봉)” which was written on the map.
In Korea, “San(山)” is usually wider area while “Bong(峰)” is each summit.
So, it sould be “Kamtubong” not “Kamtusan” since it is a part of “Daebongsan.”
Anyway, at this moment, were were 6 people including Alain Delon. So, I took several pictures including a picture with Alain Delon and Bernardo.
But Alain Delon went fast, and the rest of 5 members walked all together, 4 men supporting HeeSun.
I am grateful esp. to Cheomwa and “Green Snake” since there are experienced strong hikers and I had no worry about losing my way to the destination.
The mountains were beautiful with snow but snow on some part of the trails were too deep. I was glad that I put spats on my legs.
Bernardo liked the scenes very much and he took many picutures. But HeeSun seems having a lot of difficulites walking on the snow-covered trails.
She tended to be slow and left behind, so we had to wait for her and encouraged her.
I brought not only grapes and small tomatoes, but also “paprika” the colorful vegitable. She ate it while taking rest on the snow.
When it became past noon, we stopped at a heliport, and had lunch among 5 members.
Cheomwa brought a burner and instant ramen, so did “Green Snake” a lot of water and also ramen bags.
Bernardo and I brought cup noodles, but they told us not to put hot water in the cups. In stead, they encouraged us to eat ramen they cooked.
It was hot and delicious. They added bean sprouts in the ramen. They were hot and tasted very good.
After having ramen, we resumed the hike. We ha d HeeSun walking first, then we followed her.
When we passed the communication facilities, it was 2:20 and the summit of DaeBongSan was close to it.
We arrived at DaeBongSan Summit, and there was a big stone memorial, but the name of the mountain curved on the stone was “GyeGwanBong (鶏冠峰)” not “DaeBongSan(掛冠山)”.
It must be put before they changed the name, but the former name of the mountain was not GyeGwanSan(鶏冠山), but GweGwanSan(掛冠山). It was quite confusing.
The altitude curved on the stone was also 1,253m.
Since the name of Hamyanggun(咸陽郡) was also curved under the name, Hamyang Local Office should be responsible, but they must not be care too much.
There was a rocky peak which seemed higher than the monument place, and it could be seen as “Cockscomb” so “GyeGwanSan” could be all right.
After taking pictures at the monument, we began descending the mountain.
Soon after we began descending, I found a huge "Cheolchuk" or "Azalea" tree. There was a stone plate which says "this tree is a protected tree of Azalea aging over 1000 years!
It must be beautiful if I came in its blooming season in spring.
There was another peak called “Cheonwangbong (天皇峰) just 900 meters east, and about the middle of the trail, there was a junction of three trails.
We stopped there to take another rest. Then we turned south, not Cheonwangbong, but to the exit of the trail, Jiso Village.
We went down along the river in the valley, and came out to the exit at 4:18.
There was a private gate like a samurai residence in Japan.
And there were several persimmon trees with rapen fruits. They looked beautiful.
Finally we arrived at the bus at 4:28 pm. Mogwa was waiting for us and provided us with hot “odeng.” They tasted very good.
Most of other hikers already finished the wrap-up party and waiting for us inside of the bus.
So had odeng quickly and took on the bus. The bus left the place at maybe 4:40 and arrived at South Gate 6:30 pm.
It was my 61st hike for the year and my participation on AhToSan regular hike was 336th.
--- Photo Gallery by Other Photographers 他の写真家たちによるフォトギャラリー、다른 작가들에 의한 포토 갤러리---
登山コース:ワントンジェ(원통재) – 甘投峰(감투봉) -大鳳山(대봉산) or 掛冠山(괘관산) - 天皇峰 – ジソマウル(지소마을) [約10km、 5時間] 同行者:ベルナルド、ヒソン、チョロクペム(초록뱀)、チョムワ(첨와)
--- Photo Gallery by Other Photographers 他の写真家たちによるフォトギャラリー、다른 작가들에 의한 포토 갤러리---
投稿 (Atom)