About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110828 Jusan Pong (注山池) and JuWangSan(周王山) in 慶北・青松

Hiking Date:Aug. 28 (Sat), 2011 Coudy, occasionally fine

Destination (mountain): Jusan Pond, JuWangSan (721m)

Hiking course: Sangwi Ticket Gate – Daejon Temple – Juwangsan – Kaldeung Pass – Game Bong – Keungol – Naewon Village – Haksodae – Juwang Am – Daejon Temle –Sangwi Ticket Gate

Partner: 44 AhToSan member (no foreigner except myself)

In spite of negative weather forcast, there was no vacant seat for the chartered bus. We left Expo South Gate at 5 a.m., 2 hours earlier then usual, because the location was far from Daejeon.

They celebrated the 50th hike by“Baengnihyang”and the 10th hike by SadoGwangtan on the bus.

[Baengnihyang's 50th hike celebration, 百里香の50回目のハイキング、백리향의 50번째 하이킹]

We arrived at “Jusanji” at 9:30. I guess I visited here in the fall before. I noticed the sound of cicada which I could hear at the end of summer in Japan. (“Higurashi”or Tanna japonensis)

[By the pond called "Jusanji",注山池のほとりで、주산지 앞에서]

There were several cameramen with good cameras. They took a lot of beautiful pictures.

It took about one hour to make a round trip on foot to this pond. So when we arrived at the parking lot of JuWangSan, it was 10:40. After taking the group picture, we bagan hiking at almost 11 a.m.

[In front of JuWangSan, 周王山の前で、주왕산앞에서]

There were many traditional restaurants along the narrow road between the parking lot and the entrance of the trail. They were displaying good-looking foods which were almost "art" to my eyes.

[Restaurants displaying their delicacies along the road, 食堂の前に並べられた伝統的食べ物、식당 앞에 늘어놓은 전통적 먹을거리]

The first part of the trail was well facilitated with wooden plate. The rocky walls on the cliff of the mountain looked nice. But I was slower than most of the people. When I offered fruits (grapes and mini-tomatoes) and chestnut makgeolli, a few who were in the last group could eat and drink what I offered. Anyhow, they could not eat all of my grapes so I had to carry until the last destination.

When I arrived at the top of JuWangSan, most of AhToSan hikers already took pictures with the mark of the mountain and began having lunch there. I sat by “Tempi” who kindly gave me several kinds of side-dishes.

[At the top of JuWangSan, 周王山山頂にて、주왕산에서][Lunch table near the top of the mountain, 頂上付近で昼食、정상부근에서 점심]

I tried not to be too late. So, while people of the main group were taking rest, I kept walking at the junction of three trails.

There were three big waterfalls along the trail. Each waterfall has its number. We saw them from No. 3 to No. 1. The number three waterfall seemed most beautiful to me.

[The most beautiful part of the valley,渓谷で最も美しい部分、계곡에서 가장 아름다운 장소]

These waterfall area was the best scenic area, but I was not with the main group. Fortunately, I found “Bengnihyang” with another member, so we walked together.

[With Bengnihyang in the valley, 渓谷にて百里香と、계곡에서 "백리향"과 함께]

It was Baengnihyang who encouraged me to walk extra to visit “Juwang Am” a kind of small temple with “Juwang-gul.”

[With "Baengnihyang" on the way to "King of Zhou's Cave"、周王窟へ行く途中で「百里香」と、주왕굴에 가는 도중에 「백리향」과 함께]

I remembered that I had visited this “gul” before. There was a small statue of expelled king from Kingdom of Zhou in the small cave. I saw rainbows at the entrance of this small cave.

[Small rainbow at the entrance of the cave, 周王窟の前の小さな虹、주왕굴앞의 작은 무지개]
[Inside of Juwang Cave, 周王窟の内部、주왕굴 내부]

[Small fish in the river, 渓流の中の魚、흐르는 물 속의 물고기]

[Looking the mountain back, 周王山を振り返る、주왕산을 되돌아보다.]

I arrived at the parking lot, making the roop trip finished at 4 p.m. So it was about 5 hour hike.

We had the wrap-up party at the parking lot, no need to worry about being scolded by villagers like last week.

[Wrap-up party at the parking lot, 駐車場にて「打ち上げ」パーティ、주차장에서 뒤풀이]

The menue of the party were: “suyuk” or boiled pork, kimchi and tofu and makgeolli.

We finished the party at 5 p.m. and came back to Daejeon at 8 p.m.

It was my 46th hike for this year and the 248the hike with AhToSan.











[In front of JuWangSan, 周王山の前で、주왕산앞에서]





[Restaurants displaying their delicacies along the road, 食堂の前に並べられた伝統的食べ物、식당 앞에 늘어놓은 전통적 먹을거리]


[Hangeryong-nim and a horned owl, ミミズクと寒渓嶺氏、한계령님과 솔부엉이]


[On the well facilitated trail, よく整備された登山路にて、잘 정비된 등산로에서]




[At the top of JuWangSan, 周王山山頂にて、주왕산에서]


[Lunch table near the top of the mountain, 頂上付近で昼食、정상부근에서 점심]




[With Baengnihyang in the valley, 渓谷にて百里香と、계곡에서 "백리향"과 함께]


[Small rainbow at the entrance of the cave, 周王窟の前の小さな虹、주왕굴앞의 작은 무지개][Inside of Juwang Cave, 周王窟の内部、주왕굴 내부]


[Looking the mountain back, 周王山を振り返る、주왕산을 되돌아보다.]




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