About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110812 Uluru (Ayers Rock) the 2nd day, Australia

Hiking Date: Aug.12 (Fri) Fine

Destination (mountain): Uluru (Ayers Rock)

Hiking course: Pioneer Lodge – Sunrise Watching – Foot of Uluru – Top of Uluru – Foot of Uluru – Pioneer Lodge

Partner: None

Ms. Takahashi’s alarm clock rang at 4 a.m. She mis-set her clock for 1 hour earlier than she intended.

The sightseeing bus came at 5:50 a.m. We went to the observation deck first to see the sun-rise. They provided us cockies and coffee for breakfast. Some people ordered lunch box at their hotels.

[Before the sunrise, 日の出前、일출전][Ayers Rock, reflecting morning sunlight, 朝日に映えるエアーズロック、아침 해에 빛나는 에어즈록]

After seeing Uluru, changing colors by time, we went to the huge rock. There were about 30 people in the bus, but it seemed only about 10 people went to climb Uluru. The rest of sightseers were just walking around the rock.

The trail was clear. The first leg of the trail was rather steep, but the chains were facilitated, so even elementary school kids can climb safely.

[Looking down the first part of the trail, 最初の急坂を見下ろす、맨 처음의 급한 경사의 등산로를 내려다보다]

I was in the top group among 10. People from another tour, all of them were Japanese, also climbed Uluru at the same time.

[On the ridge of Ayers Rock, エアーズロックにて、에어즈록에서]

[On Ayers Rock (Far behind me, you can see the Olga, エアーズロック上にて(はるか後方にオルガ山が見える),에어즈록상에서 (아득히 후방에 올가산이 보인다)][The trail on Ayers Rock, エアーズロック上の登山路、에어즈록상의 등산로]

When I reached on the ridge area, I noticed my roommate, Mr. Takahashi. So we went together until the top of the rock. There was a cylinder shaped direction pole on the top. We took pictures each other.

[At the top of Ayers Rock,エアーズロックの頂上にて、에어즈록의 정상에서]

On the way down frm the top, I talked with a Japanese family. A couple with two kids (junior high and elementary school kids.)

[On the ridge of Ayers Rock, エアーズロックにて、에어즈록에서][The shadow of myself on Ayers Rock, エアーズロックに写った自分の影、에어즈록에 비친 자신의 그림자]

It took 90 minutes for the round trip to the top. The bus came to pick us up at 10:20, and I returned to Pioneer Lodge by 11 a.m.

I took 13:40 flight to Sydney. Fortunately I could get a window seat so that I could see “Ayers Rock” from the sky clearly.

[Ayers Rock from the sky, 空から見たエアーズロック、항공기 창문으로부터 본 에어즈록]

Hajime came to pick me up at the airport, but a bit late. He left his cellphone at his office, so I felt a bit uneasy. But he came anyway about 30 minutes late.

We had an appointment with Louise’s parents at a local Chinese restaurant. Hajime drove me to Louise's parents' new residence first. It was a clean nice apartment for John and Mary.

[Kikko and our grand-kids in front of Louise's parents' new apartment, ジョンとメアリーの新居の前で、존과 메리의 새아파트 앞에서]

We had a big dinner at the Chinese restaurant. Louise, Kikko and our grandchildren joined the party.

[At a Chinese restaurant, 中華料理店にて、중국요리집에서]

It was a nice trip and nice dinner that day.








[Before the sunrise, 日の出前の砂漠、일출전의 사막][Ayers Rock, reflecting morning sunlight, 朝日に映えるエアーズロック、아침 해에 빛나는 에어즈록]



[ウルル登山口付近、우루루 등산구부근]


[On the ridge of Ayers Rock, エアーズロックにて、에어즈록에서]


[At the top of Ayers Rock,エアーズロックの頂上にて、에어즈록의 정상에서]



[Pictures drawn on the side of Ayers Rock, エアーズロック麓の壁画、에어즈록 기슭의 벽화]




また、前日のサンセットツアーで話をした陽気なイタリア人の新婚夫妻ともまた会った。同じカンタスのフライトらしい。彼女の名はエルビラ・イッポコト(Elvira Ippocoto)、旦那はDomenieo Santonieolaと言うそうだ。

[With Elvira at the bus-stop in front of the lodge, イタリア人エルビラとバス停にて、이탈리아인 엘빌라와 버스 정류장에서]


[Ayers Rock from the sky, 空から見たエアーズロック、항공기 창문으로부터 본 에어즈록]





[My grandchildren, 私の孫たち、나의 손자와 손녀들]


[In front of the Chinese restaurant, 中華料理店の前で、중국요리집 앞에서]


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