About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110917 Mt. Jiri Chottaebong, Seseok Highland (智異山・燭台峰/細石高原)

Hiking Date: Sep. 17, 2011 (Sat) Cloudy, occasionally fine, but rain shower in the afternoon

Destination (mountain):Mt. Jiri, Chottaebong, Seseok Hightland

Hiking course: Georim – Seseok Highland – Paengmudong (14 km, 6.5 hours)

Partner: 33 AhToSan members

I got up at 4 am and prepared for the hike. We left Expo South Gate at 7 a.m. as usual. We arrived at the starting point named Georim at almost 10 a.m.

[We arrived at Georim at almost 10 a.m.コリムには10時ごろ到着、거림에 10시쯤 도착했다.]

It was a fine day and I saw several beautiful flowers near the entrance of the trail. When I was walking after the top group, a stranger called my name. “스즈키님, 안녕하세요!” I did not recongnize her, but she said she had joined AhToSan several times before and she rembered me. That day, she joined a different hiking club, but began to hike at the same place as ours.

[The lady who knows me, but I cannot remember, 私に話しかけてきた女性、나에게 말을 걸어 온 여성]

We had the first break at 10:50 a.m. The top group people did not take rest and kept climbing the trail, while I offered mini-tomatoes and grapes as usual. This time, many membered ate all of my fruits (4 packs) all together, so my bag became much lighter after the break. Some of mebers offered cold “makgeolli” and it also tasted very good.

[The first break in the woods, 林の中で最初の休憩、숲 속에서 첫번째 휴식]

Then we had the 2nd break at 11:30 at a bridge. A newcomer gave me some roots of a plant called “Hasuo” which I saw for the first time.

Later, I found “Hasuo” as “何首烏” in Kanji, and in Japanese it is called “ツルドクダミ”and in English, Fallopia multiflora.


It is a herbaceous perennial vine used as tonic medicine in oriental medicine, but I found it very tasty. He also gave me a small peach which was hard and nice.

We had lunch at a rocky ridge from where we could have good views. I always enjoy Korean-style lunch where we share our side-dishes each other.

[Lunch at the ridge, 稜線で昼食、능선에서 점심]

After having lunch we arrived at Seseok Highland at 1:30 p.m. It is an unique place as Korean moutains, because it is wetty even though it “highland” just like Oze Field. Therefore there are many beautiful plants and flowers just like Oze.

[Flowers called "San-oi-pul"which means "mountain cucumber" 韓国語で「サンオイプル」と呼ばれる花、산오이풀]

[At Seseok Shelter, 細石待避所前で、세석 대피소앞에서]

[Aconitum or Devil's helmet or blue rocket,トリカブト(鳥兜)、바곳][Wild flowers, 野生花、야생화들]

[From Seseok Highland, we began decending the mountain, 細石高原から下山を開始した、세석에서 하산을 시작했다.]

I saw blue flowers of gentrians, white thistles and “San-oi pul” in Korean, etc. I did not join the top group who made a round trip to Chottaebong from Seseok Shelter, but joined the main group who began decending to Baengmudong along the valley. The decending trail was a bit difficult because of so many rocks, but I could manage to go fast. So I was one of the first men to arrive at the parking lot.

[White and black thistle flowers, 白と黒のアザミの花、흰과 검정 엉겅퀴 꽃]

Gentiana scabra、リンドウ(竜胆)、용담(龍膽)][Rain showered lycoris radiata (red spider lily), 雨にぬれる彼岸花(曼珠沙華)、비에 젖고 있는 석산(石蒜, 꽃무릇이라고도 부른다)]

The water in the river in the valley became more and more as I went down. It reminded me of the valleys in Seoraksan National Park. But when I came to the 3 km point from the destination, it began raining and rather hard.

[Wrap-up party with umbrella、傘を差してティップリ、우산을 쓰고서 뒤풀이]

I arrived at the parking lot at 5 p.m. I got wet completely by then. The rain stopped when I arrived at the bus. But while having “Wrap-up Party” it began to rain again. So we had to shorten the party time. We left the parking lot at 5:30 and arrived at Expo South Gate at 8:20 p.m.

It was my 51st hike for this year and my 251st attendance out of 333 AhToSan regular hikes.

登山月日:2011年9月17日(土) 曇り時々晴れ午後にわか雨。


登山コース:コリム(거림)-セソク(세석)- 燭臺峰(촛대봉)-セソク(세석)-白武洞(백무동)-約14キロ、6.5時間。







会長・副会長らに追いつかれ、約50分ほど歩いた林の中でスズキタイム。今回はブドウもパングルトマトも1回で終わった。また、氷の 浮かんだマッコリをごちそうになったがいつもうまい。

[The first break in the woods, 林の中で最初の休憩、숲 속에서 첫번째 휴식]


[Second break at the bridge, 橋のそばで二回目の休憩、계곡에서 두번째 휴식]



[Seseok Shelter, or lodge, 細石(セソク)待避所、세석대피소]

[At Seseok Shelter, 細石待避所前で、세석 대피소앞에서]


[Gentiana scabra、リンドウ(竜胆)、용담(龍膽)][Flowers called "San-oi-pul"which means "mountain cucumber" 韓国語で「サンオイプル」と呼ばれる花、산오이풀][Aconitum or Devil's helmet or blue rocket,トリカブト(鳥兜)、바곳][A white thistle flower, 白いアザミの花、흰 엉겅퀴 꽃]


[From Seseok Highland, we began decending the mountain, 細石高原から下山を開始した、세석에서 하산을 시작했다.]

[Wild flowers, 野生花、야생화들]


[Rain showered lycoris radiata (red spider lily), 雨にぬれる彼岸花(曼珠沙華)、비에 젖고 있는 석산(石蒜, 꽃무릇이라고도 부른다)]


[Wrap-up party with umbrella、傘を差してティップリ、우산을 쓰고서 뒤풀이]



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